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Day in the Life

Jul 29, 1893

Journal Entry

July 29, 1893 ~ Saturday

29 I went to the office to be prepaired to go to court if called
Court adjourned till Aug 5 I returned home


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Letter from Charles Gloyd Hyde, 29 July 1893
Hyde Park. Utah. July 29th 1893. Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro: It is with regret that I write you in regard to the financial condition of Bro. George F. Ashcroft, who has recently been called on a mission to New Zeland. When he was informed that his name was handed in he had the material on hand to build a house, but he piled it up calcula- ting to leave it until his return and began making preperations for a call at conference, but as he was


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Jul 29, 1893