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Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1893

Journal Entry

August 06, 1893 ~ Sunday

6. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Erick Peters Erickson, 6 August 1893

Pres. W. Woodruff, Dear Brother: I received your notice of July 21st And will say that I am willing and glad that I am thought worthy to go on a mission, but have no means to pay my expenses; except I could sell my team which I am willing to do if I can find a buyer. I also have one cow I could spare and leave my family with one. All the means I have acquired since I came to this country in Sept. 1882 aside from supporting my family; I have put into

Letter from John Frankhauser, 6 August 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Salt L. City. Dear Brother in the Gospel: Your favor of Aug. 4th is at hand, in which I am called to go on a Mission to Switzer- land and Germany. About 5 years ago, I have also been called to go on this same Mis- sion, but were honorably released on account of my age. I am now 62 years of age and in my estimation raher old to go on this mission. However I would be perfectly willing to go and willingly respond to this call, but my financial condition is in such a shape, that I really do not know where and how to get the money. I would be obliged to borrow all the money and pay interest thereon, as well as being involved for land already. This is my a thruthfull statement of my condition and I would be plesased if you kindly

Letter from John Frankhauser, 6 August 1893

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Letter from Thomas. W. Roe, 6 August 1893

To. President Wilford Woodruff & Councellors Dear Brethren.- I received from you yesterday the notification of my appointment, as missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo, January 8th 1894. I willingly accet the mission, & hope I may be instrumental in accomplishing some good after- wards; as my desires are, have been, & I earnestly hope always will be for the welfare of the Church & Kingdom of God, & to do whatever may be required of me. What ever hindrances may appear will certainly be put aside, by the help of the Lord, & I shall strive to accomplish the mission successfully & with credit to myself & to the stake to which I belong. With best wishes for yourselves & the spread of the cause of truth I remain Resby your bro Thos. W. Roe.

Letter from H.R. Shepherd, 6 August 1893

Prests Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q Cannon & Jos. F. Smith Dear Bretheren I recieved your letter of the 14th July. calling me to fill a mission to Provo in the interests of the Sunday School work. I wish to share that I am obligated to such an esctent that to leave for the length of time you designate would in my opinion be an injustice for those to whom I am indebted. If you think however

Letter from Walter S. Mackay, 6 August 1893

Taylorsville, . First Presidencey, Dear Brethren: Circumstamnces will not permit me to attend the Sunday School Normal Course, although I would like to do so. I have delayed answering your letter because I was in hopes that things would change so that I would be able to attend. Your Brother in the Gospel Walter S. Mackay.


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Aug 6, 1893