Day in the Life

Aug 9, 1893

Journal Entry

August 09, 1893 ~ Wednesday

9. I met with Zions Savings Bank at 8:30 And
conversation was had upon the critical condition
in money Matters we were in, various plans for
relief was talked upon, & a committee of G. Q. Cannon
& H. J. Grant appointed to see what they can do for
our Relief


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2266 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
275 mentions

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Letter from Rose Seegmiller Fuller, 9 August 1893

First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City. Dear Brothers: Your letter of July 28th, asking me to at- tend the Sunday School course at Provo, commencing on Jan. 28, is at hand. In answer I will say that I am very desireous of obeying the call, and if no unseen difficulties arise, will be at Provo at the appoin- ted time. Yours Very Respectfully, Rose Seegmiller.

Letter from Charles James Nethercott, 9 August 1893

Salt Lake City, President, Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your letter of notification of aAugust 4th, calling myself on a mission to California, is duly received. I will say in reply, after duly considering & praying over the matter, that I do and will accept the mission assigned me, providing the Lord will open up the way for me to go. As I am some what incumbered at present owing, principally to the dull times we have experienced lattely. If I can succeed in the disposing of a little personal property that I have on hand, so that I can clear my self, and pay my exenses to my destination. I will make the sacrifice, be it what it may Trusting in the promises of Jesus Christ, who has said, seek first the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness and all things shall be added unto you. It has been the desire of my life, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be an instrument in God's hands of saving souls in His Kingdom. Not with standing the one that takes upon himself the responsibility of this High and Holy Calling shall be fbuffted, tempted & tried and spoken evil of byy the world. As the Savior has said if they do it unto me they will do it unto you. Brother Woodruff I will send you another communication in a few days, to let you

Letter from Edward J. Pay, 9 August 1893

Nephi . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Deare Bro. Your favor of July 12th came to hand in due time, and contents noted. oOn reply will say, scince receiving your favor I have been trying to dispose of my home (all the property I have) but have been unsuccessful to the present time. If it will meet with your approval I would like an extention for one yeare, and if I am prepaird before that date I will report. I Am Your Bro. Edward J. Pay. This is all right. J. F. S.

Letter from George Teasdale, 9 August 1893

Dear President Woodruff: We are shut out from communication with the outside world because of the high waters, caused by the heavy rains, and the floods. The rivers are booming and travel at a stand still. We have been very busy at the "Snow House" where I reside. You may remember I told you that the ceil- ings of the two down stairs rooms had never been plastered, and that the plastering in the upstairs rooms was falling off in conse- quence of a man attempting to plaster the rooms without knowing how. Ever since we have lived here I wanted the ceilings plastered and the upstairs repaired. But I could not reach it until a fortnight ago when by a combination of fortuitous circumstan ces, men and materials were obtained and everything had to be turned out, for furniture, plaster and whitewash do not agree very well, and for nearly a fortnight we were as uncomfortable as any one could wish us. But after tribulation cometh the blessing. And the plasterers having departed and the house cleaned we are now getting into shape and are more comfortable than we have ever been in Mexico. I wish you could see us. The President has read this and says let it be answered kindly. J. F. S.


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Aug 9, 1893