Day in the Life

Aug 8, 1893

Journal Entry

August 08, 1893 ~ Tuesday

8. Judge Bartell Decided our Answer good testimony taken on the 14.

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Letter from Christian Ciguard Steffensen, 8 August 1893

First Presidency, Dear Brethren, Though in somewhat close circumstances, I cheerfuly comply with the call made of me; namely to attend the B. Y. Acad- emy at Provo in the in- terest of the Sabbath School; and shall do all in my power, with the assistance of the holy spirit, to fill the call honorably. Your humble servant C. C. Steffensen.

Letter from Carl A. Johnson, 8 August 1893

President Woodruff Dear Brother yours of the 21 saying my name has been suggested and acccepted to go on a mission to Scandinavia has been reieved. You say you should like to have me start as early as Sep 23rd 1893 I would say that if my name has been suggested to you as an Elder as your letter states there is a mistake as I only hold the Office of a Priest Should it be correct I will ask if I can have a little more time in getting ready We people living in the country have most of our hard hard work to do in the fall

Letter from John R. Howard, 8 August 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . To President W. Woodruff and Counsel. Dear Bretheren. The only apology I have to offer for addressing you at the present time, is the interest I take in, and the feelings with which I have been impressed of late on the subject, and the necessity of Establishing a "Bureau," of genealogy with us that all rich and poor alike can do work for their dead. Realizing that forces are at work on the outside, and elements on the inside of the nations of the gentiles, which are sure to lead in the near future to disaster and bloodshed, hence the necessity of securing while we can, any and all records attainable on the subject of genealogies, peedigrees, Town, County and Family Histories, &c. Good men qualified for, and who have the work at heart could be set apart to secure all such works before it is too late, the

Letter from Lars C. Larsen Jr., 8 August 1893

Preston Idaho August 8 th[18]93 Prest. Woodruff. Cannon, and Smith. Dear Brothern, I undertake to answer your of the 9th of June [18]93. It just came to hand a week tomorrow, and as it came to me from Bro. Fjelstead I delayed writing till I went and saw Bro. Fjelstead last Saturday night. Well my circumstances are as follows I have just started out for my self two years ago Bought a peace of land for which I had to go into debt considerable My total Indebtedness is $625.00 six hundred and twenty five dollars and our croops in this part of the country are almost a

Letter from William Henry Mendenhall, 8 August 1893

Franklin President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I understand that the climate of Soamoa is hot & unhealthful. As I have been under the doctors care for some time, lately having a tumor taken from my neck by Dr. O. C. Ormsby and as I cannot stand the heat very well on that account I would beg you to change my mission to Sandwich Isls. if satisfactory I asked advice from Dr Ormsby, he told me to lay the case before you and let you decide for yourself. I would like to go and fulfill an honorable mission, and If you can make the change advantagesouly I would be very grateful to you, if not I will be satisfied Yours Brother Wm Mendenhall Franklin Idaho All right, let him go to Sandwich Isles. J F. S.

Letter from James Madison Fisher Jr., 8 August 1893

To the First Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Beloved Brethren, A In answer to your communication of the 31st of July,* I reluctantly admit that I am under some obligations, which depend on my labors to cancel: have also 10 small children to provide for, and most of the land I use is rented so that the profits on my labor is not so much as it would otherwise be; my business is, starting a nursey, on which there is more outlay than income at present, ^causes us to live from hand to mouth as it were,^ but am in hopes in the near future to be ready to deivote all my time, (if I do not do so now) in the service of the Lord. At p[r]esent am doing all in my power to further the interests of the kingdom, in a local capacity; but if you still desire for the good of myself, and the work of the Lord that I should accept the call I will cheerfully respond and trust to the Lord to clear the way. Your Brother in the Interests of the Kingdom of God, J. M. Fisher Jr. * In regard to a mission to the B. Y. Academy in the interest of the Sun. Schools. I would say to him, not to jeopard ize his business, but if he could arrange his affairs so as to go without loss, we would be pleased to have him do so. J. F. S.

Letter from Archibald Stewart Geddes, 8 August 1893

Salt Lake City, Wilford Woodruff Geo Q Cannon Jos. F. Smith Dear Brethren In reply to ^your^ letter of July 31st 1893, referring to my appointment as a Sunday School Missionary from Salt Lake Stake, to take a course at Provo and for other purposes I will state that unless something now unforseen transpires to prevent, I will be at Provo on date mentioned, prepared to perform whatever duties may be required of me. Your Brother in the Gospel A. S. Geddes

Letter from Morten Jensen, 8 August 1893

Richfield Utah Pres W Woodruff Canon & Smith Dear Brothern I have receved the all to atend the Br Y Accadmy there to take a normal Corse. in the intrest of the Sabath school I could perhaps find Some Ex- cuses but I have no choice in this grait Work of our Hevenly Father, other then to do that which I am called upon to do from time to time. there for I Cheerfully except the Call and will be there at the apointed time Verey Respectfully yours Brother in the Gospel Morten Jensen


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Aug 8, 1893