Day in the Life

Aug 12, 1893

Journal Entry

August 12, 1893 ~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in the office I met with the Presidents
of stakes
to see if we could [get] any Money from
the People Remarks were made by many


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Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 12 August 1893

President W. Woodruff and Counselors Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A. Dear Brothren; In april last I wrote you enquiringly about a native who had impor- tuned me to allow him and his wife to accom- pany me to my home. There was also another native with wife & one child who had then decided and is now fully decidedtermined to go to Zion as soon as he can finish selling his lands and settling his business. the latter one has already sent £200.0.0 to Utah investing in sheep, and sa short time ago informed me that he had £300.0.0 more he would like to send to put in sheep which business he would like to follow. both of these speak English good enough for all practicalble purposes. There were two others a President of a branch and his wife with two children came nearly going by last mail Boat. a failure to dispose of lands alone prevented. Now comes a letter to hand from an invilid chief (Henry Potae) who has long desired to go, and I believe has obtained permission, that not only himself and family, but a number of

Letter from Robert Franklin Cole, 12 August 1893

Bro. Woodruff, Dear Sir: As I have been called as a missionary for the interest of the Sunday School, I will accept of that labor. I should of answered your letter before this, but I was away from home at the time of its arrival. Yours Respectfully, Robert Cole.

Letter from Emma Clews Shreeve, 12 August 1893

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear brother I herewith acknowledge the recept of your letter of July 28th notifying me of an appointment as a missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo commencing Aug. 21st 1893. There being no obstacles to prevent me from going, I except the call and will be present at Provo when the class commences. And when I return will be willing with the help of the Lord to do the best I can, under the direction of those who are called to direct my labors. Praying God to Bless you, I Remain your Sister, Emma Shreeve.

Letter to Abraham Owen Smoot, 12 August 1893

To Prest. A. O. Smoot, and Board of Education of the Utah Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: During the session of the General Church Board of Education, held yesterday, a rumor was incidentally referred to, to the effect that the Roman Catholics were contemplating buying up the notes or other indebtedness of your Board with the view of obtaining title to and possession of the Academy building and grounds. The matter was considered of sufficient importance to cause the General Board to decide that a letter should be written you, suggesting that you appoint a couple of the members of your Board to quietly make inquiry among the creditors of the institution to learn whether any of them have sold or contemplate selling their claims or accounts to the Catholics or to any parties who would be likely to act in the interest of this rumored movement. It was also thought, if it met your minds, that Messrs. Hyrum S. Young and Reed Smoot would be very suitable persons to make these inquiries. Will you kindly inform us of the resultss of your investigations at your earliest convenience. With kindest regards, Your Brother W. Woodruff


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Aug 12, 1893