Day in the Life

Aug 13, 1893

Journal Entry

August 13, 1893 ~ Sunday

13 Sunday I spent the day in the House, reading

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Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers.

Letter from John Jolley Jr., 13 August 1893

Franklin President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I will accept the honorable call as a missionary to the Sandwich Isls. Your Brother John Jolley Jr. L. L. Hatch Bp good J. F. S.

Letter from William Henry Mendenhall, 13 August 1893

Franklin President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I will accept of the honorable call, as a missionary to the Sandwich Isls. Your Brother William Mendenhall. L. L. Hatch Bp. Good J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Curtis Pearson, 13 August 1893

Draper, . To the Presidency of the Mormon Church, Dear Brethren, I have just received a communication from you stating that I had been seleceted to attend the B. Y. Aacademy at Provo in the interests of the Sunday Schools, but I find it will be impossible for me to attend it on account of being a teacher in the District schools. It was impossible for me to return and answer sooner because I was not at home when your letter came. Yours Truly Andrew C. Pearson. Draper.

Letter from Donalvin Roundy, 13 August 1893

Upper Kanab . President Woodruff. Dear sir I received your letter Auguest the 6th was somewhat surprised at your call. I havent had any experince in sunday school matters always lived on a ranch whare we ware deprived of sunday school + meetings. I have been trying to earn money enough to go to the Brigham Young Academy this winter, but money is very scarce.

Letter from Ira Blanchard Whitney, 13 August 1893

Sanford Colo. Pres't Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Some time during the month of July last, I received a call from you to attend the B. Y. Ac- cademy for a term of five months commencing Jan 8th 1893, in the interest of the Sabbath Schools. In reply will say that I was very sick when I ^received^ your letter, hence the delay; but now I take pleasure in answering your letter and accepting the call. I will try to be on time.


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Aug 13, 1893