Day in the Life

Aug 21, 1893

Journal Entry

August 21, 1893 ~ Monday

21 I Attended the funer[a]l of Brother [blank] Butterworth
A coffin William Butterworth
was born Aug 5, 1827
Died Aug 19, [18]93 Aged 66 years
At Mill Creek ward I spoke
followed by Angus M Cannon
& George Q Cannon, And
Bishop Neff I did not go
to the Grave I went to the office
with Prest G Q Cannon & Met with Mr Royle & Ryan
& 2 other gentlemen who inquired into our Affairs
The court was occupied under Judge Barch with the
Yeager trial. The witnesses on both sides gave
their Testimony. I returned home in the Morning Evening


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Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions


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Letter from John E. Petitt, 21 August 1893
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am in receipt this evening of your comm- unication of the 18th inst, and take the first opportunity of replying thereto, and will say, that I am sorry that I did not receive it in time, to be at Provo this morning, but, if it is satisfactory to the First Presidency, I will be in Provo on Monday morning the 28th, to take up my studies in the Normal School, for Sunday School work. If this arrangement meets your
Letter from J.S. Parker, 21 August 1893
Joseph . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. and Counsul Salt Lake Citty Dear Brothern I am sory to say that I have not been able to get to Provo to comence in the Normal Course to which I am called. I am willing to go but there are several drawbacks so fare. the People here as a general rule ise very poor some of them nearly haveing to quit Tobacco so you can tell it is very hard times here all russeling for money to pay there tackses but fail to get it. as I under stand the town is to pay the board bill. They have not suceeded in getting in eny thing as yet, I have not they money my self but am pretty badly in debt. There is other things still that are holding me here at Preasant I am imployed in the Elsinorre Coop Branch Store am resposnsiable for some out standing Debts which comes in very soon. Am acting as Justice of the Peace and have several unfinesh- ed Cases on hand. The Bishop and his Counsael and myself


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Aug 21, 1893