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Day in the Life

Sep 14, 1893

Journal Entry

September 14, 1893 ~ Thursday

Sept 14, 1893
I was much Better this morning and I went to the
fair And I saw more to day than half the time
I have been in the fair I visited the fine Arts building
went through it And it was like a sea of sculpture
& Art Painting it was immens Then I visited the
streets of Cario saw the Camels & Asses & Belowan
Arabs & Turks & their Harams I visited their
Temple saw 10 Mummies Heard a Lecture of the Temple
I then went through the old Moorish Palace it was
about the grandest affair I Ever saw it seemed as
though a person should spend a week in it in order
to Examine what it contained

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Letter from Samuel A. Moore, 14 September 1893
Tryon N. C. . Mr. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Sir, In the year 1837 my mother (residing in New York City) visited Kirtland Ohio, at which time she received in change a $2 bill; I have it in a good ^state^ of preser- vation; it reads thus: Kirtland Ohio March 4 1837 No. 1252 A The Kirtland Safety Society Bank will pay two dollars on demand to S Perkins or bearer J Smith Jr. Cash. S Rigdon Pres. If you have a museum of history, or cabinet of curiosities appertaining to your community, maybe you or your society would like the above—price $5 Respectfully yours Saml. A. Moore


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Sep 14, 1893