Day in the Life

Oct 1, 1893

Journal Entry

October 01, 1893 ~ Sunday

Sunday Oct 1. I was not well I spent the day at home

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Letter from Francis Christian Lee, 1 October 1893
Hyde Park, Utah, Pres. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother, Yours of 28 ult. received. Its arrival was a complete surprise to me and the notice is very short. Without making excuses I will give you a brief account of my situation. On 25th of October last we (father & sons) bought out the H. P. co-op store assuming all liabilities and recsources and giving the Stockholders our notes on two year's time for 100 cts. on the dollar. Collections have been and still are very slow. It has crowded us to meet our obligations, but by another ^year^ we hope to pull through and therefore are reducing expenses all that is possible. I am the book-keeper and as you might say the manager. If I'm called away my place must be filled by a stranger and at a salary that at present we are hardly prepared to pay. But if this call cannot be postponed another year without a hinderance to the course of truth,
Letter from Samuel Obed Crosby, 1 October 1893
Panguitch, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I can see no possible show for me to pay my debts and get off by Nov. 16th, but if it is absotutely necessary for me to go at that time I will try and be there and let my creditors wait. What will it cost to go from Salt Lake to New Zeland, or the center of the mission? Please answer so I may come prepared, & oblige Your Bro. S. O. Crosby Give him till spring, if he cant get ready sooner. I would ask him to report when ready, and give him the information he asks. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Oct 1, 1893