Day in the Life

Oct 10, 1893

Journal Entry

October 10, 1893 ~ Tuesday

10 B H Roberts made his report of the Religious Congress
Mr Haweis spent 2 hours with us He lecturd at Night
Brother Grow from Palestine give a History of the country


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Letter from Charles Henry Hogensen, 10 October 1893
Montpelier Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I feel that I have been honored by the call made of me, to fill a mission to Scandinavia. If nothing occurs to hinder me I shall be in Salt Lake city at the time apointed Yours brother in the gospel Charles Hogenson W. W. Clark Bishop Montpelier Ward good. J. F. S.
Letter from George Emmett Browning Sr., 10 October 1893
To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your highly esteemed favors of Aug 30th and Sep. 6th. came duly to hand the 6th. inst. It is with a thankful heart to our heavenly Father that I am enabled to inform you that all of the Elders and Sisters both here and on Tonga are in the enjoyment of good health and spirits, and we are meeting with encouraging success in our labors among this people. I enclose herewith a brief report of our little conference we missionaires have had the privilege of holding here, and we have certainly had a time of great rejoicing togather, also enclose the statistical re- port of the Samoan Mission for the past six months. As Elders Jas Ricks, C. W. Poole and A. L. Green are here from their fields of labor and have made all arrangemeents to return home on the steamer leaving here tomorrow for America, I have taken the liberty of borrowing the money ($31000) from, a very kind friend of ours in Apia, and have re- leased them to return home, and if the steamer is on time they will leave tomorrow, I dislike to
Letter from James A. Hedrick and G. P. Frisbey, 10 August 1893
Kansas city Mo President Woodruff Salt Lake city Utah Dear Bro Pleas purmit us at this time to adress you up on matters of importants to us at least & purhap as great to you allso, we wish to say to you in furst place that we are beleavers in this latter day work, but we confess that we do not no all things, neither all that we wou ld like to no & it ^is^ that because we dont no all things that we are induced to take the liberty to Drop you these few lines by way of Inquirey. know in first pace we wish to ask you to tell us if you pleas & can do so, as followes No 1 is the Apostalic authority on Earth at this time as it was given to Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery. No 2 if so where is it, & on whom does it rest and how did they become Apostles, and at what time. Know Bro Woodruff if there is any thing els that you feel is of importance to us to no & you have a mind to convey them to us we would be glad to have you do so and greatley oblige yours in the New covenant G. P. Frisbey J. A. Hedrick Pleas adress G. P. Frisbey 2124 East 18 st Kansas city Mo


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Oct 10, 1893