Day in the Life

Oct 28, 1893

Journal Entry

October 28, 1893 ~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home and in the Evening I went on
Board of a Private car twith the Apostles to attend the conference
we arived at Logan about midnight 100 Miles


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Letter from William Moroni Palmer, 28 October 1893
To the First Presidency Dear Brethern You understand I believe how I was compleetly broken up financia- ly through my wifes doings, and you know how hard it is to make a start again when one has 12 persons depending on him for suport. I am right now at the ponit [point] to sink or swim. After the death of my first wife I settled at this place as I had 30 acres of land all I owned on earth and took my children left by her I bought a house and lot in this vilage and I now owe $30000 on it. I expected the sail of some real estate at Glenwood belonging to the estate of my first wife, to pay for this, but it has been im- posible to sell it for cash up to date, times is so hard
Letter from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 28 October 1893
Salt Lake City, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, and Councillers. Dear Brethern—For the past three years, and more especially since I was sick here, I have desired to know where I could best gather my family together, four are at St George six in Arizona, six in Mexico, and Sister Macdonald and her son Heber are here. It would be a satisfaction to have as many as choose to Join me, gather where we could do the most good and be where the spirit of God through you would ^indicate^ as best for us to locate. It has been made my duty to be in Mexico, and although the board of directors in June released me from the company's business; I have no personal wish to serve, or choice to make, that would be so satisfactory as your counsel, under existing conditions, because of the frequent moves I have been called to make. On Monday morning 30th inst, I will go to Maricopa Stake, Arizona, and while there would be pleased to hear from you. Address Lehi P.O. Maricopa Co, Arizona, with best wishes I am in the Gospel, Your fellow laborer, A. F. Macdonald. Gather his family in Mexico no other place so fair to his circumstances


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Oct 28, 1893