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Day in the Life

Oct 31, 1893

Journal Entry

October 31, 1893 ~ Tuesday

31. We left Smithfield at 5 oclok & arived in Salt Lake at
9 oclock we had an interview with Brother Clawson and
Brothe Bean. We attended a Meeting in the Temple & took
Dinner in celebration of the marriage of J R Winder
speaches were made & Dinner partaken off 100 Mile


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Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
121 mentions
102 mentions

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Letter from Thomas Wallace, 31 October 1893
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Elder E. L. Blodgett has handed to me the inclosed letter from your office and desires me to say that his arrangements are now nearly completed for his departure to fill Such appointment as you may intend him to fill. He has a Brother living in Colusa County and would be pleased to be assigned to that section of Country. I Remain your Brother in the gospel, Thomas Wallace, Bp of North Ogden Ward All right. give him the further notice he needs. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Oct 31, 1893