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Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1893

Journal Entry

November 02, 1893 ~ Thursday

2nd We met the Twelve in the Temple at 3 oclok & we spok
upon business in the fore part of the day we were visited
by the sisters in the interest of the Deseret Hospital

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Letter from John William Ord, 2 November 1893
Nephi President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have received an appoint ment as a missionary to "Great Britain." It impresses me as being a very responsible calling, and I felel highly honored in being considered worthy. I accept the mission readily yet, humbly, and will present myself as instructed: on Jan, 5th, to be set apart; Very respectfully Your brother in the Gospel John W. Ord T. H. G. Parkes. Bp. 2nd Ward Nephi O.K. J. F. S.
Letter from Charles John Aaron Lindquist, 2 November 1893
Ogden, Utah, , Brothers Woodruff Cannon and Smith, Salt Lake City. Please parden me for infringing upon your valuable time, But I have a little Business I wish to consult with you about, Two years since I was by a Non Mormon indused to go into the Straw Hat Mg Business, And went so far as to invest Eight Hundred Dollars Cash, And bought a small Plant than in Log an consisting of a Hydrolic Press, two Sewing Machines Blorks and other parfenalia, beside a consid- erable amount of Straw Varnish and [illegible]. Materials all ready to work up, [Cerrum & Davein] than preventid me from going any farther and the Machinery and Goods wer packed away. Since the Man as left the Country and gone to Calafornia, I have ever since and am to day paying intrest on the monney. Now as I know of now way of putting it to use, Have us more means the spairs to put in it, as such it is of no use to me.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Nov 2, 1893