Day in the Life

Nov 14, 1893

Journal Entry

November 14, 1893 ~ Tuesday

Nov 14, 1893
I met in the office Mr Bannester with Frank Cannon
wanted to Esstablish a chemical Bplant in Ogden
wanted us to Father it He thought it would be a
great Blessing to the People of Utah we Met with
Wm W Cluff & H B Clawson upon coal matters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one Letter to Nellie


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
Cluff, William Wallace
8 Mar 1832 - 21 Aug 1915
66 mentions


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Letter from Frederick William Walton, 14 November 1893
To the First Presidency, Dear Brethern, In answer to the call made upon me for a mission to Provo, I will say I was spoken to by the Superintendent regarding the mission. I told him my circumstances and how much money I could raise he proposed to raise the bal- ance in the school, so if I receive the help promised I will present myself at the Academy on the date named


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Nov 14, 1893