Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1893

Journal Entry

December 12, 1893 ~ Tuesday

12 I spent the day in the office I met with Governor
MConell of Idaho spent an hour with us this
Morning Brothe Budge was with the Governor
B H Roberts called upon us upon business


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Glory to God in the Highest for He fulfills his word to the Sons of Men. What we have been looking for so Long came to Pass this day. The House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States P^assed^ a Bill for the Admission of Utah into the Union with Equal Powers of the other states with ownly five 5 opposing votes. I think it is an Event unheard of in the whole History of the American Government we trust it will soon Pass the Senate, and be signed by the President & soon become a Law
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Fred J. Kiesel, 12 December 1893

OGDEN, UTAH, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir Knowing that anything affecting our far Western Country is sure to interest you, and further, that you have always taken a spe- cial interest in Soda Springs, I take the liberty to communicate to you the fact that the "Idanha" Mineral Water has taken the first prize over all Mineral Waters, at the Worlds Fair. Here follows the report of Prof. Wm. J. Irelan, expert Judge of the Jury of Awards, and which procured us the award. Very truly yours, Fred. J. Kissel

Letter from William Henry Page, 12 December 1893

Paysan . First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethren, Yours of Dec. 11 received and contents noated. Can say that I will respond to the call and will be at Provo. Jan. 8, prepared to take the Sunday School Normal course. Your Brother in the Gosplel Wm H. Page.

Letter from Mathonihah Thomas, 13 December 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 3rd inst calling me on a mission to the Southern States is at hand. Having been out of employment for over six months, I am not in position to start on Jany. 20 [18]94. I would gladly accept the mission now, were I in position to do so. As work is promised me during the next session of the Legislature, I think I will be able to start in early Spring. I feel honored by the call and am very anxious to make the earliest possible start. Meanwhile I remain Your Bro. in the Gospel, Mat. Thomas. J M Secrist (See over)

Letter from Peter Carl Jensen, 12 December 1893

Bear River City . Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother In reply to your letter stateing that I had ben suggusted and asaccepted as a missionary to Scandinavia I feel it my duty and I'am willing to comply with the call made off me Your obedient servent Peter C Jenson O.K. Carl Jensen Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter from Robert Newton and William Newton, 12 December 1893

Canada. Tuesday President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. We Received your letters of Oct 12 & Nov 4 1893 and wish to express our thankfulness for the same. Although the matter was not settled just as we would have wished it to have been. We desire to thank you for your courtesy of communicating with president Card upon the subject. And as it has been generally understood by our people here, since the townsite was first laid out, and especially since your visit here in Nov 1889. That the townsite was under Church direction, with presedent Charles Ora Card as in trust for the same. And that it was by church

Letter to George Quayle Cannon, 12 December 1893

Prest. Geo. G. Cannon, Dear Brother: I write to say that I am calling some young men to be missionaries to Germany, including three bankers, A. Owen Woodruff and McEwan, of the State Bank, abd Brother Schettler's son, and expect to call some others. We understand that Brother Schaerrer time is out and he epxects to come home and we want someone to preside, and Brother Joseph says you once named your son Hugh. Now our boys feel that they would like very much to labor under him if he could go and pre- side there, and before writing to you I sent for him to come and see me. I have just had an interview with Hugh; he feels as though he would not like to go Germany to preside, but if he went he would rather go as a missionary and some one else to preside, but that is the very kind of a man that ought to preside and not one who is seeking the office. Now concerning Hugh, I do not know that he ought to be called to go upon any mission at present. He has lately returned from a mission there and gone into business, though I think he is not much involved in debt. I felt to lay the matter before you and get your counsel upon it, and can you name any one who would be suitable to preside there. ^if Hugh did not go^ The 20th of January is the time named to start. I would be glad of an early reply to this. Now concerning our affiairs east, of course we are interested in all your labors and accomplishments. We see from the press that there is a good prospect of the Utah Bill for Admission passing the House, which we hope may be accomplished; and also through the Senate and become a law. We hope you and Brother Clawson will prosper upon your mission

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Newton w for 2 lots These 2 lots are for a home for Sylvia in Smithfield 250 Sundries {shorthand} $15 15 $5555 80


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Dec 12, 1893