Day in the Life

Dec 16, 1893

Journal Entry

December 16, 1893 ~ Saturday

16. I spent the day at home Reading

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Letter from Heber Charles Jex, 16 December 1893

Spanish Fork, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of 13th to hand in due time, in reply will say. I will be on hand at the appointed time and will endeavor to do my part in the fulfillment of said mission. Awaiting further instructions, I remain, Your brother in the gosple, Heber C. Jex George D. Snell Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Letter from James Duckworth, 16 December 1893

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I am just in receipt of your letter of Dec. 6th inst. notifying me of my having been called to go on a mission to England and in answer to the same will say that I am willing to fill said mis- sion or any other to which you may see fit to call me, but under exist- ing circumstances cannot possibly be ready before April Conference. The circumstances to which I refer are as follows; first, I am ^one of two^ executors for the estate of my brother-in-law Stephen Hanson, of which estate Bro. Jas. H. Moyle is attorney, and he informs me that said estate cannot be settled satisfactorily until the latter part of March. Owing to circumstances I have practically had charge of the estate and, Bro. Moyle says my presence would ma- terially aid in settlement. Also, through the death of my step- father; Brother William Beardshall, which occured last August, I am one of three executors in his estate.

Letter from James Duckworth, 16 December 1893

Accepts Mission

Letter from John Durrell, 16 December 1893

[page torn] To Prest. Wilford Woodruff and Council Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.Saints Dear Brethern: Your letter of the 13th instant, requesting me to go to my native country (Scandanavia) and labor as a missionary, was duly received In reply will say with respect to my financial condition it is not very flattering as I am in debt for my home in sthe sum of $40000, that is I have a mortage for that amount due in March next, but I am endeavoring to cancel this mortage by getting another on three years time, to enable me to fill this mission Whatever is required of me I will do to the best of my ability. I will try and be on hand January 13th 1894 Respectfully John D [page torn] John Tingey Bishop John Bishop

Letter from John Durrell, 16 December 1893

Letter from Raymond Cazallis Davis, 16 December 1893

Ann Arbor, Mich., This Library acknowledges with thanks the receipt of the books and pamphlets noted on the accompanying sheet. From the Church Authorities at Salt Lake, through Benjamin Cluff, Jr., a student in the University. Raymond C. Davis, Librarian

Letter from George Richard Hill, 16 December 1893

Prest Wilford Woodruff and Counsel Dear Brethren Would you kindly inform me at your earleyest conveniience, the amount of money necessary to take an Elder to Australasia. Brother Richard Leo Bird has been selected to go upon a mission to that field of labor, and says they do not wish to plead poverty for they have an abundance of every thing but money and before writing to you himself he would like to know the amount necessary to start with. aAs for his expenses while these that could be sent as he needed it. George B. Houtz has also been selected to go to Jermany in his case I will give you the


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Dec 16, 1893