Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1893

Journal Entry

December 18, 1893 ~ Monday

18 I met with F. S Richards & Bishop Preston at the
office About a Deed of Land in Mexico A mistake
was made in the Deed


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Letter from Alvin Smith, 18 December 1893

President Woodruff: Dear Brother: Your favor of the 6th is received: I except the Mission and will be on hand in time if I can raise the means. Yours Respectfully Alvin Smith Geo H Taylor Bsh 14th Ward I hope he will raise the means. J. F. S.

Letter from Christian Jenson Jr., 18 December 1893

Redmond, Sevier Co., Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro: Your welcome letter of Dec 13th rec'd contentsnt's carefully noteded In reply will say, I feal to thank God that I have ben found worthy to fullfuil a mission and, preach the gosple. Owing to my financial condition and my obligations to the district school being bound by contract to teach till the Middle of May it seames imposable for me to be ready to leave untell April 1st but can you arainge to grant that much time. I will then be at your comand and ready to go where ever you wesh to send me. Will say however Samoa seames to be the place I should like to go. But you for that If posable please inform me when you desire I should go. As it would aid me in preparing. Your Brother in the Gosple, Christian Jenson Jr. Redmond Sevier Co. Hans Rasmussen Bishop All right for Samoa, and let him have till Apr. Conference in which to get ready. J. F. S.

Letter from John D. Irvine, 18 December 1893

Payson City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Your letter of the 13th inst advis- ing me that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Great Britan, was duly received and contents carefully noted. As to my feelings regarding this call, which you desire me to express, I will say, that, having enlisted in the army of Christ to battle against the superstitions that bad men from the paths of God, and having covenanted to be faithful in all things, I am entirety in your hand; Your will is my pleasure. On the day that your letter was written, Bishop Page, of this ward, interviewed me on this subject, when I made the following expla^i^nation to him. For several years I was connected with the firm of Brewerton Irvine & co, of this place. In April last I with- drew from said firm, and not having money to pay

Letter from John Laird Finlayson, 18 December 1893

Payson, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your letter of Dec. 13, stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain received a few days ago. In reply to your request for an expression of my feelings will say, that I am pleased and thankful to my Heavenly Father and his Servants for the honor of being accounted worthy to act as an Embassador of the Gospel. My only regret is that I cannot see my way clear with regard to starting at the time specified, for although I am

Letter from Nathan Reeves, 18 December 1893

Kaysville President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I received the call to go as a Missionary to Great Britain and in answer will say, that there are no reasonable obstacles to hinder that I am aware of and I will try and be ready at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel Nathan Reeves I can cheerfully reccommend brother Reeves as a faithful Elder. Peter Barton Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter to William Edward Clark, 18 December 1893

Salt Lake City, . Elder Wm. E. Clark, Pleasant Grove. Dear Brother: Your name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Southern States. The work of the Lord is progressing in the nations, and faithful, energetic Elders are needed in the ministry to promulgate the everlasting Gospel, openings for doing good appearing in numerous directions. Yourself, with others, having been selected for this mission, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from going, we would be pleased to have you make your arrangements to start from this City at as early a date as January 27th, 1894. Please let us know, at your earliest convenience, what your feelings are with regard to this call. If you accept it you will receive no further notification, but will be expected to present yourself at the Historian's Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for your departure. Your Brother in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff P.S. Please have your Bishop endorse your answer.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Coal 5.50 girl 3 Blanch 6 14 50


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Dec 18, 1893