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Day in the Life

Dec 19, 1893

Journal Entry

December 19, 1893 ~ Tuesday

19 I met with several Dignitaries of the Railroad
I Received a Letter from G. Q. Cannon Telegrams were
sent to the Chairman on Territories from both parties
pThe Liberal Party disbanded last night and to day
cease to Exist The Clergymen of various sects
met Last night & the Majority voted to no longer oppose
Statehood for Utah a great change is manifest concerning The saints.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
1986 mentions


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Letter to William Cochran Adkinson Smoot, 19 December 1893
Elder William C. A. Smoot. Sugarhouse, Salt Lake Co. My Dear Brother: Your very welcome favor of — Dec. inst. enclosing a letter ^to you^ from A. O. Smoot Jr. bearing date of Dec. 10th inst. came to me this morning and both of them have been perused with deep interest and much pleasure, not only by myself but also by Prest. Woodr- uff, who remarked, that he was greatly pleased with the spirit breathed in them throughout, and that he had great interest in the Smoot family. It would be unncessary for me to dwell upon the tender feelings and abiding interest I have ever had, and alway will have in the name and prosperity of the vener-


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Dec 19, 1893