Day in the Life

Dec 25, 1893

Journal Entry

December 25, 1893 ~ Monday

25 Keys crossed Christmass I had my family together
all well and Happy Prest G. Q. Cannon arived home
this morning &from New York & called uppoon me.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2260 mentions


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Letter from David John, 25 December 1893

Provo City, Utah, . Pres. W. Woodruff, Dear Bro: Enclosed please find a letter which was handed me last evening by Bp. Wride of the 2nd Ward, Provo. He says he made the mistake in recommending Joseph Beesley, instead of Philip Beesley. He recommends Philip Beesley, as a worthy person to be sent appointed to go on a mission and the same is indorsed by the Presidency of the Stake. Your Bro. David John per L.

Letter from David John, 25 December 1893

Provo City, Utah, . Pres. W. Woodruff. Dear Bro: Enclosed please find a letter which was handed me last evening by Bp. Wride of the 2nd Ward, Provo. He says he made the mistake in recommending Joseph Beesley, instead of Philip Beesley. He recommends Philip Beesley, as a worthy person to be sent appointed to go on a mission and the same is indorsed by the Presidency of the Stake. Your Bro. David John per L.

Letter from Joseph Warburton, 25 December 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church, Dear Brethren Thadeous Naylor has received a notice from you to go on a mission to the Sourthern states, he has resided in this ward 3 years. he has attended but very few meetings nor any other duty, and he has no Priesthood at all, I have seen him and had a talk with him and he is not in a position neither Temporal nor Spiritual to go on a mission, I have promised him, that if he will attend to our meetings

Letter from Austin Kearnes, 25 December 1893

Gunnison . Pres, Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. Your letter was received and noted and I will be there according to appointment, by the help of the Lord Your Brother in the Gospel Austin Kearnes president Woodruff, Dear Brother. Elder Kearnes is in his 49th year, and is troubled with rhumatics. But one of his boys is a young and active Seventy; whom I would respectfully recommend instead of his father. The sons name is Hammilton Kearnes; he is a promising young man, and I think he will fill a mission with honor. Very respectfully your brother in the gospel Christian A. Madsen Bishop. If the Father would be pleased with the change, I don't object J. F. S.

Letter from Charles Benjamin Harper, 25 December 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of 18th inst received, notifying me of an appointment to the Southern States, as a missionary. I would have replied sooner but my wife was very sick but she is now improving. You wish to know my feelings, in regard to the call and I will briefly state them. As an Elder in the Church, I think it is my duty, right, & privilige, to bear the Gospel to those who have not had the privilige to hear it, but I will state my situation and cicumstances. I have not one dollar in ready money on hand, and I am doubtful if I could raise money by mortgageing real estate. I owe about Three Hundred Dollars in Cash Debts which I have two years to pay in. My family consists of wife, and seven children the oldest (a boy) 20 years old the youngest not quite two years. I have a farm of thirteen acres part of which is in Orchard, and have just started a small nursery and think that in a little while my family could by strict economy, and industry would be able to support themselves during my absence. These are my circumstances, and I leave it to you to tell me what to do, for I will confess that it bothers me somewhat. If it

Letter from Edwin A. Peay, 25 December 1893

Provo City P[r]esident Woodruff Dear Brother My name haveing been reported as a missinory to gGreat Brittan I respond to the call willingly: (provididg) I can get the money I will be on time Father will help get the money if it can be found in so short a time and my Brothers will help all they

Letter from Herman Henrik Sundstrom, 25 December 1893

Sandy. . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I recived a letter from you yesterday, the name on taht letter was Herman H. Lundstrom, and my mname iss Herman H. Sundstrom so i dont know, iff this letter iss for me or not, but iff itt iss for me, so kan i say thaht itt iss a great surprice to me as i have not heard of annyting of preparing me befor. But i cann say thath i am willing to go on a mission to Skandinavia. But i can not go as soon, as the time stated in your letter (27 Jannuari 1894.) thatht iss in- possbibble, because i hafve about

Letter from James Croswelley Woods, 25 December 1893

President Woodruff, Dear Brother, I received your favor & accept the appointment as a missionary to Great Britain, and will treyy to merit the confidence you have placed in me. Your Brother James C. Woods. I do with pleasure endorse the ^above^ answer accepting the mission assigned to Bro James Woods Thomas Atkin Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from John Alma Carson, 25 December 1893

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will now endevor to answer your letter which I received on the 22 of Nov I would be pleased to go on the mission asigned me if I could raise the means I have neglected writing on account of trying to rase the means which I can not at presant Your Brother in the Gospel John A Carson Wm L. Skidmore Bp. see over. over

Letter from Louis Warren Lund, 25 December 1893

Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City. Dear Brother Your favor of the 18th at hand and contents noted. In regard to the call, I san say, that I would be perfect- ly ^willing^ to respond if my financial circumstances were in a diferent shape. Am sorry my affairs are such, as I would be pleased to respond. I am truly interested in the missionary work for I know much good can be obtained therefrom. But it would seem almost impossible for me to leave at such an early date.

Letter from Louis Warren Lund, 25 December 1893

Letter from Walter Christenson, 25 December 1893

Redmond Dec. 25, 1893 Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 13th Inst. was received with pleasure. I thank God that I have been found worthy of being called to go forth to preach the Gospel. I will be on hand at the appointed time to leave for my mission. Yours Truly Walter Christenson H. Rasmussen Bp Good J. F. S.

Letter from Moroni Charlesworth, 25 December 1893

President Woodruff Dear brother as my name has bin handid in for a mission I hae no monney or no way of geting enny unles I sell my farm wich consist of 25 achors wich is worth, 325220 per achor my bishop has advised me not to sel my farm. an I have a larg fameley to take car of I dont ^want to^ ssrink from enny colling in the church but I cant see my way clear I remain your brother in the church Moroni Charlesworth Let him be honorably released and when

Letter from Carl John Cannon, 25 December 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother – Your favor of Dec 7th at hand in reply will say I am well pleased to have a young Bro. William Spillman to recommend as Missionary to B. Y. Academy. As he is in the employ of the Railway Company he will not need to apply for rates. He will be prepared at the appointed date. Very Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel. Carl J. Cannon, Bp. All right J. F. S.


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Dec 25, 1893