Day in the Life

Dec 26, 1893

Journal Entry

December 26, 1893 ~ Tuesday

26 I went to the office found Cannon & Grant company
together And I met quite a Number of Men
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Brother Thompson Cottam & Atkin


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2260 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
275 mentions
Cottam, Thomas
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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Letter to William Atkin, 26 December 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother Atkins: I received your interesting letter of Nov. 16th, but through the multiplicity of business the answer has been delayed. I also got letters from Brother Thompsen upon the same subject of the boiler and pipes, and am pleased that they are doing so well and are satisfactory. Brother Ottenger made some big mistake in his calculation about that water system; I hope it will do all right now. We are having some curious times here of late. About the time our State Bill passed the House with only five opposing votes, the Clergymen of Utah met, and when Mr. McNiece made a motion to telegraph to Washington, as clergymen, to oppose our State Government, two-thirds of those present voted against him, saying they had had war enough and now wanted a State Government. At the same time the Liberals met, dug a grave and buried all their Liberal sentiments, and both parties sent strong telegrams to Washington for State Government. Unless there is some great change, it looks now as though Utah would soon become a State. President Cannon has just returned from New York where he has been a short time on Church business. We are all well as usual; I think I feel better than I did before I was sick. I think your account of David Milne is quite enough. Remember me to your family and to my freiends. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Nephi W. Schofield, 26 December 1893

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, Your letter came duly to hand informing me that my name had been accepted as a missionary to Great Bitian. In reply would say that I have delayed writing because I have not been prepared to give a favorable answer. I would like to place myself before you just as I am, and then if it is desired that I perform this mission I will endeavor to do so, as soon as I can get my finan- cial affairs in shape to leave them In regard to myself would say that

Letter from Samuel H. Smith, 26 December 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your letter of Dec. 18, 1893, stating that my name had been accepted as a missionary to the Southern States, has been recieved and carefully considered. In replying I will first express my thanks for the honor conferred by the call, and then make a statement of my affairs for your consideration. My family consists of a wife and five children all under

Letter from Joseph Elisha David Tomlinson, 26 December 1893

Heber City Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear brother On the 17 instant My Wife gave birth to our first born a Son woho was still born unto us. he was too his full time buitif- ul form and features. Our Bishop ^R Dukesen^ held regular funral services over the littel ones bodeie. one speaker said he had had two still born children and has since saw them in vision happy in the Spirit world, but Bishop Henry Clegg and several other men in talking (not at the funeral) say that a dead born child has no spirit given and will not be Reserected. I asked Pres A Hatch about this matter and he referd me to the President of the Church


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Dec 26, 1893