Day in the Life

Dec 27, 1893

Journal Entry

December 27, 1893 ~ Wednesday

27. We met with the onyx company in the morning
then with F. S. Richards upon the Saltair business


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934


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Letter from Jacob Malin Weiler, 27 December 1893

Pres. Wilford Wooddruff Dear Sir: In pursuance of your letter dated Dec. 15, 1893. I am pleased to accept the call therein, and to state that I am prepared to leave on Jan'y, 20 1894. Your Obedient Servent, Jacob M. Weiler. Harrison Sperry Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Letter from James Scobey Ferrell, 27 December 1893

Pres. Woodruff: Dear Brother, This is to certify that the time appointed me (Jan. 27,) to make my appearence as a misionary to the Southern States is very agreeable. My circumstances is such that I could meet that date as well as any date so far as I know. If this will suffice I will be present the day previus to make arangements such as are required of misionaries. Your Brother in the Gospel, James S. Ferrell Albert. Marsh Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter from John Alma Carson, 25 December 1893

Richmond Pres Woodruff Dear Brother; I am tired of writteing endorsements to letters of those not able (according to their statements) to comply with the call made upon them. We shall do all that lies in our power to have ^as^ many of our elders go on missions in the near future as the Lord doth require. Your Brother in the gospel Wm L Skidmore Bp All right, if he in the future he feels that he can take a mision and will let us know of his ability and desire to do so we will consider it. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph O. Dunn, 27 December 1893

Mr Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City, U. T. Dear Brother: Having recieved notice from you that I had been chosen as a missionary to Samoa I can say that I am willing to go and with the help of our Father in heaven to fulfil the mission to the best of my ability. Your brother in the Gospel Joseph O. Dunn. Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele Ward Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Neil Livingston Gardner, 27 December 1893

President Wilford Woodriff, Dear Brother in reply to your letter of 18th inst I feel to say that I accept of the call & feel thankfull that I am considered worthy to go the nations to preach the Gospel, & by the help onf my Father in Heaven I will do my best to spread the truth. I will (all being well) be at the Historians office by the time mentioned. Your Brother in the Gospel Neil L. Gardner John A Egbert Bishop West Jordan Ward good. J. F. S.

Letter from John Robert Goldsbrough, 27 December 1893

President Woodruff, Dear Brother: I have received the call to go on a mission to Great Britain, but am sorry to say in my present circumstances I am not prepared to accept the call. Hope at some future time I will be able to go and fill an honorable mission I am at present engaged herding stock in the mountains, near Green river, some thirty miles from a Post Office and seldom go for mail

Letter from Soren C. Sorensen, 27 December 1893

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter calling me on a mission to Scandinavia to hand. I beg leave to be excused till the Spring as I am some in debt and would like to straighten up before going and if time is to hard I might need to fall if agreable Your Brother in the Gospel Soren C Sorensen Hans Jensen Bishop. All right. give him till spring, and then we can give him till fall if necessary. J. F S.

Letter from Edwin Stratford, 27 December 1893

Ogden, Utah, Prest Woodruff Dear Bro I am in receipt of your favor of the 7th which only reached me on the 22nd. In your letter you request me to send the name of a young man to take the ^"M.I.^ "Normal Course" in the B Y academy. I have carefully looked over the ward and consult ed with the brethren who labor with me but have not at present been able to find one who was available We have 6 young men on missions; and a few days ago we were called upon to send a young man to Provo to take ^the^ Sabbath School course, for theis mission we selected Elder Charles Wright. It has been suggested that per haps he could take both courses


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Dec 27, 1893