Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1894

Journal Entry

January 02, 1894 ~ Tuesday

2nd Received a Letter from Sarah at Provo Professor
Talmage called & read his lecture upon baptism
J Jaques & Mr Carter of the Valley House called
upon the Business of the House


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Talmage, James Edward
21 Sep 1862 - 27 Jul 1933
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from Heber Christian Christensen, 2 January 1894

Richfield, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro. Your letter of Dec. 28, 93 calling me to leave Salt Lake City March 10, 94 for a mission to Scandinavia duly received. I will be on hand at the appointed time, if nothing happens between now and then to hinder me from going. Your Brother in the cause of truth, Heber C. Christensen Paul Poulson Bishop 1st Ward, Richfield Good J. F. S.

Letter from John L. Dalton, 2 January 1894

San Francisco Prest. Wilford Woodruff & Counselors, Dear Brethren: I enclose Financiel & Statistical reports for the year ending December 31st 1893. Dr J. P. P. Van Den Bergh, told me a little over a year ago that we could have a room to hold meetings in rent free, January 8th 1893 we held our first meeting in his house, and continued to hold them every sunday as well as week nights till December 17 1893. Last Spring we were in ^living^ Sacramento. I had to move from there, I had no money to pay rent, so I ask the Dr if he would allow meus to live in the rooms we held meeting in here in S. F. rent free, he said yes, and he put some furniture into the rooms. (We had no furniture) On the 7th of last April I brought my wife down from Sacramento, and lived there ^in the Drs house^ till the 20th last month. On the 4th of last month the Dr gave me notice to leave, I ask him his reasons, he said that he had nothing at all against me, nor my wife, nor children, but he did not want the meetings there any longer, farther than this he did not wish to say any thing only he wished to withdraw from the

Letter from James G. Crane, 2 January 1894

Herriman To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ- of Latterday Saints Dear Brethern we have selected Bro Samuel H. Crump to this Mission to the B. Y. Academy at Provo. Bis. Robert Dansie. 1stCounsellor James G Crane 2nd [Counsellor] Jas. S Crane O.K. J. F. S. His address S. H. Crump Herriman S. L. Co Utah

Letter from S. R. Smith, 2 July 1894

[end sideways text] Bardstown, Ky., July 2nd, 1894. Wilfred Woodruff, President of The Mormons, Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A. Hon. & Dear Sir: I have not forgotten the favor you did me in sending me the books containing the history of your people, and while I did not complete the work I commen- ced, my health not allowing me, I am nevertheless grateful to you. I am still confined to my room and bed, but I am still able to write a little now and then, thank God, and knowing that I possess the True Religion, that is, the Religion established by God Himself, and wishing to do you a favor, I herewith take the liberty to write you again, after a long interval of silence: In the first place, allow me to remark, al- though I presume you know it as well as I, that God established His Church in order to enable mankind to reach Heaven: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and wh- atsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew, chapter XVI, verses 18 & 19. The first verse of the above meant that the devil prevailed in the Gard- en of Eden, but that he would not be able to prevail aga- inst His Church, neither, said our Divine Redeemer—or at least, such was His meaning—shall the Devil be able to cause My Church to teach erroneous doctrines nor cr- ush her out of existence. The second verse is as plain as the first, which, as you have seen, gave St. Peter power to bind and to loose in religious matters. He exerci- sed this power at the council of Jerusalem when he declared that circumcision was not to be imposed upon Christians, or see the XVth chapter of the Acts. Allow me to remark also ere passing on, that the above qu- otation not only applied to St. Peter, but to his succ- essors, since the Church was to stand till the end of time, as God declared to the Prophet Daniel, chapter IInd, verse 44—Book of Daniel. The future Church was also ca- lled in said book and chapter, "a stone cut out without hands," and this is why our Divine Redeemer called St. Peter

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 2 January 1894

Salt Lake City, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Responding to your call to go to Switzerland and Germany on a mission: I will say I am ready to go. Though without experience, I will endeavor to do the best it is pos- sible for me to do. Your humble servant A. O. Woodruff H. F. Burton Bp. All right J. F. S.


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Jan 2, 1894