Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1894

Journal Entry

January 09, 1894 ~ Tuesday

9. We met again this morning on Hardy's affairs
we were full of business all day


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Hardy, Leonard Goodridge
24 Jun 1852 - 19 Jun 1938
16 mentions

Related Documents

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Letter from James Edgar Meeks, 9 January 1894

Pres. Woodruff S. L. City I received your letter last Friday, and I am ready to start this morning to Provo. Yours Truely Jas. E Meeks.

Letter from John W. Corwin, 9 January 1894

Cliftin Forge V.a. President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir in reply to yours of Dec 9th 1893. allw me to copy a letter just received from party owning the desireable tract of 309000 Acres of land. Situated in State of Durango, & near City of Durango, Mexico. his letter reads as follows. "I will send a more complete set of maps & descrption of the 309,000 Acres land in Durango Mexi the price is $1, per acre & we will take a good part of the purchais money in good property, probably one half. It is I think the

Letter from William Harrison Maughan Jr., 9 January 1894

Wellsville Cache Co Utah To First Presidency of the Church Salt Lake City Dear Brethren Yesterday I received a letter from you notifying me that I had been selected as a missionary to attend the Church School at Provo to be present on the 8th. I presume the letter was did not come as soon as you expected it would I am willing to go and do the best I can in my weak way but trust with the assistance of the spirit of the lord I will accomplish something Your Brother in the Gospel Wm H Maughan Jr PS I have written B Cluff Jr. about Boarding Rates Transportation etc W H M Jr

Letter from Joseph Jeppson, 9 January 1894

Millville Pres Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I received your letter of the 6th late on the 8th requesting me to take a 20 weeks course at Provo not hav^e^ing known any- thing before last evening it finds me unprepared as I have a family of eight small chi[l]dren the oldest four- teen with no one to look after things on the farm but I expect to be ready to start as soon as I hear from Bro Cluff Your Bro in the gospel Joseph Jeppson All right. J. F. S.

Letter to Moses Thatcher, 9 January 1894

Apostle Moses Thatcher, Logan. Dear Brother: As there has been a [de]sire expressed by the Superinten- dency of Cache Stake to have a M. [I.] class for the young men in the B. Y. College, Logan, we submit to you[r] [ju]dgment the propriety of such a class this year for the accommodation of the young men of the Stake, provided suitable arrangements can [be] [made] with the officers of the College for conducting such a clas[s.] Yo[ur] Br[eth]ren, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith


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Jan 9, 1894