Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1894

Journal Entry

January 10, 1894 ~ Wednesday

10. I spent the day in the chur office Had a report from
Smith & Hardy concerning there survey for a Rail Road
& we talked about the Bank


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4140 mentions
Hardy, Leonard Goodridge
24 Jun 1852 - 19 Jun 1938

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Letter from Alexander Badlam Jr., 10 January 1894

San Francisco, Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear friend: I am in receipt of your telegram and letter, and have delayed so long in answering positively, on account of the scarcity of space in the proper building to make your exhibit, and it was only last night that I secured 15 X 22 in which to place your Educational Exhibit. The 27th of January has been set as the day for the opening of the Fair to the public, and I beg to suggest that it would be wise to install your exhibit as soon as possible. I congratulate you upon the prospects of your territory becom- ing a state, and hope that with your official recognition, contin- ued prosperity will remain with you. I hope that you and your associates will make a party and

Letter from Edward F. Moran, 10 January 1894

[end of sideways text] The Knutsford Opened June 1st 1891. G. S. HOLMES. Salt Lake City, Jan 10 1894 M. Wilfred Woodruff, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- Day Saints. Dear Sir: Regretting my inability to see you when I called yester- day, I take the liberty of addressing you this note which will explain the pur- pose of my visit. The San Francisco Examiner, which I have the honor to repre- sent, will publish about February 1st next, a special edition to be known as the Midwinter Fair edition, which will be devoted to the in- terests of the Western states and territories. This paper will be the best newspaper ever published in America.

Letter from Karl Emil Maeser, 10 January 1894

Provo, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Your letter appointing me as a missionary to Switzerland and Germany has been received. I acted in that capacity five years ago, but am willing to go again and with the help of the Lord do the best I can, will be ready to leave April 14th. Thanking you for the honor I remain Yours brother in the Gospel. Emil Maeser. J. E. Booth. Bishop Per. Andrew Watson 1st Councilor All right J. F. S.

Letter from George Alexander Finlayson, 10 January 1894

Payson, Utah, President Woodruff Esq, Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Yours of Dec. 28th asking me to be ready to start on a mission to Great Briton at as early a date as Feb. 3rd came duly to hand. And in reply would say that money with me at present is very scarce but I will try and be there on the day appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel Geo. A. Finlayson Payson City Utah J. S. Page Jr. Bp. I hope he will readily obtain the means to go with, May God bless him to this end. J. F. S.

Letter from Louis C. Larson, 10 January 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Yours of Jan 6th to hand, and in reply will say I will be on hand in responce to the call made of me to go upon a mission to Scandinavia. I have not the money to take me to my field of labor, but I have no doubt but what I

Letter from Nephi Tarbet, 10 January 1894

Smithfield Prst. W. Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of Jan 6th Received calling me on a mission to the suthern States I am pleased to be thought worthy for such a calling and will be on hand at the time appointed Yours in the Gostel Nephi Tarbet Nephi Tarbet is a good L.D. Saint, and will make a good faithful missionary. Your Bro in the Gospel Geo L. Farrell All right J. F. S.

Letter from Kevork A. Vizerian, 10 January 1894

Aleppo . President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother, Would you please to receive my Photograph and that of 21 Saints? I desire from the bottom of my heart to comminu cate you my joy in beginning to a new year with the poeple of God. I thank God and know by the power of his Spirit that that Joseph Smith is Prophet, and his revelations are true, as it is written in the book of

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 10 January 1894

To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Dear Brethern: I take pleasure in reccomending Elder Herman E. Campbell, 344 E. South Temple Street Salt Lake City. To fill a mission in the Indian Territory. From what I can glean from my personal acquaintance with him, I know no reason why he cannot come at once, except that of collecting means for im- mediate fare. The expence being nominal, I trust he will get ready and report himself at Manard as soon as possible. Elder Reynolds reports one of the elders you notified for this mission who cannot come until February. These two will fill the requirements of the mission at present. The last named to go to Oklohoma. It is not necessary for one to wait for the other I will be home about the 20th


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Jan 10, 1894