Day in the Life

Jan 16, 1894

Journal Entry

January 16, 1894 ~ Tuesday

16. We have a hard snow storm this morning we have a
Meeting this morning with the Twelve and we had
Meetings with others we voted to Build a Rail Road to Coleville


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Letter from Albert Herman, 16 January 1894

Haifa Pal. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: For a long time have I been unditaking to write to you about something weighing most heavily opon my mind, but having looked opon it as an improper step for me to pursue, have suppress- ed it till in receipt of the last letter from my wife in Bear Lake, the Contents of which has been such as to Cause me to

Letter from Meliton G. Trejo, 16 January 1894

Draper. , President Willford Woodruff Dear Bro: I write to you to explain the object of my mission among the mexicans and the probable expenses that will cost to start a gathering place among them. My desires has been ever since my first mission to this people to gather them together where we could look to their wellfare, both Spiritual and temporal; but by lack of means I have never been able to do so. In my preaching to them I found it easy enough to interest them as also to convert a good many, which when left to themselves went back again to their old ways: so I concluded to stop preaching and strugle to

Letter from Orson Smith, 16 January 1894

President Wilford Woodruff and counselors Dear Brethern I herewith send you the names of trustees to hold in trust for the Saints of Logan city, the piece of ground approved by you for amusement purposes, to wit 116 ft by 125 ft on the N. W. corner T. O. property. Orson Smith, Simpson M. Molen, Isaac Smith, Benjimen M. Lewis ,Henry Ballard Robert Davidson, Thomas X Smith William Hyde, Anthon L. Skantchy, Christian J Larsen. These are the presidency of the stake and the Bps of the 7 wards of Logan With kind regards Your Bro Orson Smith

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 16 January 1894

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Sunday school missionaries to Provo—Wm. H Carbine one of our young men who has attended the school the first term desires to remain another term, will it be necessary for him to be called by you again, if so will you kindly send him the same to Provo and oblige. Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks


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Jan 16, 1894