Day in the Life

Jan 19, 1894

Journal Entry

January 19, 1894 ~ Friday

19th I spent the day in the office ^I Ordained A O Woodruff to the office of seventy & set him apart to a Mission to Jermaney^


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary


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Religious - Abraham Owen Woodruff Missionary Blessing, 19 January 1894
Woodruff, . Reported by John M. Whitaker. Brother Abraham Owen Woodruff, In the name of the Lord Jesus, and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, we, the servants of the Lord, bearing the holy priesthood, lay our hands upon your head AND ORDAIN YOU ^to be^ A SEVENTY in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; and we seal upon your head all the peower, keys, prihnciplens and priethood which belongs to this office and calling, and that you may go forth in the name of the Lord and lift up your voice and declare the words of life and salvation to the children of men, as you have power now to go forth and baptize the sons and daughters of men, and in baptizing them that their sins may be forgiven them and they become members of the Church and Kingdom of God, by layoing your hands upon them that they may receive the Holy Ghost, in fulfillment of the voice of the Priesthood of the Son of God through the Apostles and Prohphets in every age and generation of man. And we ask God the Eternal Father to clothe you with the power and calling whereunto you are ordained, that you may have the spirit and power of the Holy Ghost, that you may be true and faith ful unto God, to this Church and Kingdom, and in all the works you are called upon to pferform. We also set you apart to this mission whereunto you have been called to go forth to Germany in connection with your brethren, and there to warn the children of men to flee from the judgements of God and the warath to come, and to preach the Gospel unto them and teach them the principles of life and salvation. Inasmuch as you will do this and be faithful and true the blessings of the Lord will rest upon you, you shall have power to bring souls to Christ and shall rejoice with them oin the Kingdom of God in the future, you shall be preserved upon the sean and upon the land, and the power of God shall hbe with you and administer unto you by the still mes- sengers of heaven, that you may go in peace and return, when your work is completed, in safety. Be true to your God, be true to your covenants, obey the counsels of the spirit, and when you shall have completed your mission you shall return to your brothers and sisters and friends here in the
Letter from G. A. Jackson, 19 January 1894
SCRIPTURE MEMORANDA Jan 19, 1884 ^1894^ Mr Willford Woodruff Dear Friend I take the Liberty to adres you this morning hoping you will prove to be a father and A friend. my mind has bin Seresely disquieted for more than a year in regard to the latter day gospell. my husbin Belongs to the Utah church, and his parents before him. I have bin much Enterested and understand the princebells, taught By both the Reargenized and this church, the Reargenized church was most pleasing to my mind and I wood have Bin Babtized over 2 years ago but my husbin wood not consent I red Severel of your and George q Cannons Surmons one yeare ago this Last november. which removed a great wate of pregdeous [prejudice]. allthoe on the Acount of poligemy I have tride to battle the fealing or Speart that ACompened thoes surmons. and have bin batteling betwixt the too Churches. I was babtized in 2 month ag[o]
Letter to Cornelius Daniel Schettler, 19 March 1894
in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


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Jan 19, 1894