Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1894

Journal Entry

January 27, 1894 ~ Saturday

27 I spent the day at home mostly reading

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Letter from Jens Larson, 27 January 1894

Richmond, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, UT Dear Bro, Your letter informing me of my being called to fulfill a mission to Scandinavia has been duly received. sSince this I have endeavored to raise the necessary means, but as yet I have failed. I have tried to dispose of property to raise the means, but have yet been unsuccessfull in so doing. I am in hopes of obtaining the required mouney by selling stock or other property. And If I can do so I will be prepaired to start on my mission in the spring. Awaiting your advises in this matter I remain, Yours in the Gospel James Larson Wm L. Skidmore Bp see over

Letter from John Kemp, 27 January 1894

Lewiston President Woodruff Dear Brother I being call on a home mission this in Cache Stake of Zion returned home on the 24th and found the notice calling me on a mission to Great Britain I feel at all times to be obedient to calls made of me by the Serveants of God and the only obstacle that I know of is to get the money to go with I hope that obstacle will be overcome I am thankfull to say I am out of Dept and desire to perform all dutys devolving upon me Your Brother in the Gosple John Kemp W. H. Lewis Bp I hope he can raise the means. J F. S.

Letter from Illinois Street School, 27 January 1894

Letter from Joseph Platt Greene, 27 January 1894

First Presidency of the Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints. In answer to your letter calling me to take a S. S. N. course in the B Y A. Will say I feel very much honored in being chosen by my co-labours in S. S. work. I was made aware of the fact that I would be called, therfore not waiting for the call, I came to Provo and started my labors the 11 of the month the day your letter was addressed. On account of the call being sent to Smithfield then being forwar^d^ed to me I did not received it untill last week.


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Jan 27, 1894