Day in the Life

Feb 5, 1894

Journal Entry

February 05, 1894 ~ Monday

5 I met with Orson Smith & James Sharp bringing Arguments
in behalf of the State University & Agreculturer College
A hand pointing to the right I received 5 Letters for the family from Owen I wrote
a Letter to Owen also Emma in the same Envellope


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions
Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904
Smith, Orson
205 mentions


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Letter from Alexander Badlam Jr., 5 February 1894

San Francisco, . Hon. Wilfred Woodruff, President, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: Your kind letter of January 20th introducing Carl G. Masser D.L.D. has been received, and I have done all in my power to make his stay here pleasant, and shall continue to do so. I have not been over to the building to see how he gets along with his installation of exhibit, but presume that all is moving smoothly, or I should have heard from him. Present my kindest regards to all the good people associ- ated with you, as well as your family. Yours very sincerely, Alexander Badlam

Letter from Christian Stucki, 5 February 1894

Santa Clara Washington Co Utah President Wilferd Woodruff I have read your adverticement in ^the^ news of your saveing bank and I have the sum of 1.00 one hundered dollers that i would like to deposit iff you would please to send me the terms you receave money on I would be verry much oblige verry respectfully Christian Stucki My dear and beloved president there is a point of doctrin taught in our church which is this that Adam and Eve were imortal beings when they came to this earth iff hey were immortal I think they would ^not^ have been or become subject to death and the arave [grave] nor

Letter from Thomas R. Cutler, 5 February 1894

Lehi, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Box. B. Dear Brother: I have been asked to furnish you the names of a few young men who are worthy members of the Church, who would be likely to respond to a call for missionary service; they are as follows: ^1^ Mons Heber Anderson ^Scand (?)^, ^2^ Walter Webb ^Eng.^, ^3^ William Ross ^[England]^, and ^4^ Edward Southwick ^[England]^. I also enclose you a letter from Bro. Wm. Bone whos name has been suggested by the Seventies' Quorum here, and who has received a notificaition over your signature, asking him if he could take a mission to Great Britian. He came up to see me, and while no doubt, he has been suffering with rheumatism for many years, my opinion is that he does not want to go ion this mission, and I do not think that the Church desires any except who are willing. Very truly yours, Thomas. R. Cutler Bp.

Letter from Rudger Clawson, 5 February 1894

Brigham City, Utah, To the First Presidency Dear bretheren: In answer to your let- ter of recent date, have to say that it would be rather difficult to state clear- ly in a short communication our reas- ons for releasing Bishop Tolman of Honeyville. In fact, a statement made in that way would doubtless prove unsatis- factory both to you and ourselves. And inasmuch as he has made rep- resentations reflecting upon the pro- priety and justice of our action, I de- sire permission to lay the matter before the Presidency at a personal interview I am expecting to visit Salt Lake in the course of a few days, and,

Letter from John Bauman Schiess, 5 February 1894

Logan, Feb. 5, 1894 Priasident Wilford Woodruff! Salt Lake City! Dear Brother! About one year ago I have been ask wether I were prepared to go on a Mission to Switzer- land or Germany, but my circumstances at that time were of such a nature that I could not go, and on that account you gave me more time to get ready and then report. I will state now, that I am in your hand, and hope to be ready at any date you may give me to leave for a Mission to Switzerland or Germany.

Letter from Joseph Gregson Schofield, 5 February 1894

Spring City Feb. 5th 1894 Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to the letter I received Jan. 19th 1894 In regards to a mission to Great Britain you wanted to know what my feelings were in regards to it I have felt all the time that I would like to go and and peform the mission vary much if my circumstances were so that I could go I have been trying ever cince I received your letter to sell what littele property that I have to rase money to go with but have not been abble to cell anything yet my circumstances are not vary good I have nothing to depend on for a liveing but by days works I have got a wife and four small children

Letter from William Price Davis, 5 February 1894

President Wilford Woodriff Dear Brother As my son's name has been suggested as a Missionary to G. Britain I will say he is absent from home on the Deseret Herding Sheep, But I wrote to him informing as to the call the answer was, as far as he was consern he was willing to fullfill the mission, but he says they were great obstacles to hinder from gone at presant. As he did not have the necessareey means at hand, and also he was to a great extent in debt, and would like to pay up all obligatins before he started if possible. He would be pleased to have further time untill next Fall, as he thinks he could arrange matters to go. Your Brother in the Gospel, William Davis, John E Rees Bishop All right. give him till next fall. J. F. S.

Letter from Albert William Winkler, 5 February 1894

Mt Pleasant Bro. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. I will be ready to Start from Salt Lake City on the 3rd of March 1894 as was stated in my Call, hopeing this answer is early enough I remain your Brother Wm. Winkler All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Jenson, 5 February 1894

Pleasant Grove President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir One year ago last June Thomas Anderson of this Place died leaving sum Money in care of Mr Andrew Jensen of Salt Lake City. with the understanding that it should be paid to the Church. One hundred & fifty Dol- lars to the Salt Lake City Temple & the remainder which is $12425 to be turned to Pleasant Grove 1st Ward for the improving of Church Property. Mr Thomas Anderson left a Will & Testament in which he had appoin- ted his friends Jens C. Christensen Mads Nielsen and his Son Andrew C. Thompson (all of this City) to act as Adminnistrators in his Estate. Thomas Anderson had told Mr Jens C. Christensen that some of the Money that was placed in care of Mr. A. Jenson of Salt Lake City should be donated to Pleasant Grove 1st Ward of which Mr Thomas Anderson was a member said Mr. J. C. Christensen told this to Mr Mads Nielsen one of the Adminnistrators & stated the same thing to Bishop J. E. Thorne of Pleasant Grove 1st Ward. Mr Jens C. Christensen died about Six Months ago & so the two reamaining Adminnistrators & the Probeate Court Appointed


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Feb 5, 1894