Day in the Life

Feb 13, 1894

Journal Entry

February 13, 1894 ~ Tuesday

13 I met with many parties to day got word that the
Steemer Dubbeldam upon which Owen & company
sailed would reach Rotterdam to day, later it has arived.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from Carl A. Carlquist, 13 February 1894

Kjebenhavn, . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: Thinking the enclosed letter would interet you I send it; I would translate it but knowing that this can be done at your office and knowing that the original gives a better idea I take the liberty of sending it. Brother Anderson came here last May and was, according to your wish, sent to the City of Stockholm, where he gained admittance to the best school in this country for the study which he was to pursue—Figure Molding. When Prest. Lund and I visited Stockholm conference last fall we had several talks with brother Anderson, and learned that he was progressing very rapidley, using every opertunity offered for study. The teachers seems to take a special interest in him and he feels that the Lord has His hand in this— Praying God to bless us all in our efforts to do good I remain your brother in the Gospel C. A. Carlquist

Letter from John Sylvestus Nye, 13 February 1894

President Woodruff. Dear Brother, Yours of the 9th requiring me to go to Great Britain to preach the gospel is at hand. I will say that I accept the call with pleasure. I will endeavor to be at the Historians Office on the 16th March as required. Your Bro in the gospel of peace, John Nye. Thomas Harper Bishop. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Stephenson, 13 February 1894

President. Woodruff, Dear Brother, in answer to the call that have been made of me to to take amission to Australasia I will state to you my sircumstanses I have asmall home a Wife and 3 children. I am not in debt, I have not any money on hand but hope to be able to obtain enough to go on my mission. I am willing to except of the call and do the best that I can. your Brother in the Gospel Joseph Stephenson over

Letter from Thomas West, 13 February 1894

Chester Wilfoid Woodruff Salt lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 19 At Hand In Regard To A call made on me To Go on A mis sion I can say That It Was Rather A surprise To me To Hav such A Call But I can say That I am Willing To Go That is if I can Hav Till october or November To Git Redy in I can Tell you How I am fixed I Hav Taken A Herd of sheep on shares and There is no Way for me To Turn Them Back Till Fall and Besides I Hav Had To Run In Dedt and I cant ^sit^ out Till

Letter from Anonymous, 13 February 1894

[end sideways text] Salt Lake City Utah Feb 13, [18]94 Pres Wilford Woodruff Dr Bro With Reluctance I attempt to wright to you on this ocasion not actuated by any Eavil Desiares But Hope to doe good I Have oftn Wondard if you in your position could see as it wor the out side creation you no doubt are continualy Beseaged by the poor and Distrest and no doubt in my mind you are grieved in your sole what to doe for them in thare Distrest condition But that is not all I believe thare is another class that maby you are not so famillior with and and tha are poor indeed but tha wont murmr tho the gant wolf stands at the Door ready to claim His share and if maters Dont change soon He will Recivie a large Consignment I kno that stoars who once give credit to this class in time of niad and actual want in winter when tha could get no work Has closed thar Books to this class and thrue a long protracted

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 13 February 1894

Rexburg, Idaho, Present Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, on Sunday and Monday the 11th and 12th ult, the Quarterly Conference of this Stake was held at Louisville at which there was a good attendence of the people of the Stake. We were pleased to have apostle H. J. Grant with us, who gave us much advice and good instruction suited to the wants of the people. The Bishops reported the wards in a satisfactory condition. Most of the people have sufficient to eat and wear and where some few cases of want exist, they will be pro- vided for. With kind regards and brotherly love we I am your brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898


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Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Feb 13, 1894