Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1894

Journal Entry

February 15, 1894 ~ Thursday

15 G. Q. Cannon & H. B. Clawson arived this morning
Both came to the office and the Presidency were together
again we met with the board of Z.C.M.I Then with
Bishop Preston Bishop Burton of the farmers ward
is vary low I am afraid we will loose him


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2272 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Letter from Desider Balanyi, 15 February 1894

Szolnok fzolnok, the . High Reverended Dear Sir! A long time is passed, since I had the pleasure to receive your letter, just 4 years, the 24 March 1890, this time, speedily gone in the eternity, with all his pains and labours, seems as a drop in the sea... That time I loged in an other [tainee in Csaba] and was awai- ting there the things which you High reverender dear sir have pro- missd to send me, but they did not come in my possession. It must have been any mistake passed for the Prasidium of the German- Schwitzerlandish-Italian Mission of your holy Church, did not [puter] in connexion with me and so it

Letter from William Taylor, 15 February 1894

Salt Lake City. Precident Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your commun- ication of the 6th inst about a misson to Great Britian on April 21st with the blessing of the Lord I will endavour to respond at the specefied time If all goes well I think I will have cash sufficient to put me in the field but I have no reserve fund of ready cash to draw upon during the misson (I have only been a year out of debt) but if times get better and money

Letter from James Cornish, 15 February 1894

Coveville Pres't Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in reply to yours of Jan 19th as you have seen fit to call me on a misson to the Suthern States I will go, God being my helper I will be in Salt Lake City at the Historians office on April 27th if I can get the meanes and ther is nothing elce to hinder me Your brother in the Gospel Jas Cornish J. C. Larsen Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas S. Newman, 15 February 1894

Holliday Pesident Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of Feb. 9, whire in my name had Been accepted as a Missionary To Great Britain to start From Salt Lake City March 17, 1894. I will try with the help of the Lord to be ready. Your Brother in the Gospel Thomas. S. Newman I endorse the above D B Brinton Bp Big Cottonwood Ward All right. J. F. S.

Letter from William Thomas Ogden, 15 February 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 6th inst has been received and carefully concidered. I desire to respond to any call made upon me to assist in carrying on the work of the Lord, and cheerfully accept the call to fill a mission to the Southern States. The only obstacle I see in my way at present is the necessary means to defray my expenses. But the Lord will open out a way if he wants me to go. I have no family and will sell all I posess for this purpose but even then prices being so low I may not have sufficient but I shall try and be on hand at the appointed

Letter to David King Udall, 15 February 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Dear Brother: We take pleasure in recommending to the attention and support of the Authorities of the Stakes and Wards of Zion, as well as to the officers and members of the Mutual Improvement Associations, "THE CONTRIBUTOR," which is the authorized organ of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations in Zion. It is being issued with the sanction and under the supervision of the Association Authorities, and should be placed in the hands, as far as possible, of all our young men. We hope you will kindly use your influence, so far as you can, consistent with your other duties, to extend the circulation of this magazine, and thus assist in making it not only creditable to the Church, but worthy of the organizations which it represents. It is being issued regularly each month, is filled with interesting reading matter, and is published at the moderate price of $2.00 per year, postpaid. Your Brethren in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith Of the General Superintendency of the Y.M.M.I. Associations of Zion.

Letter from Orson Smith, 15 February 1894

Prest Willford Woodruff and counselors Dear Brethern Would it be justifiable to cut a man off the Church for refusing to pay a debt, whether outlawed or not. Would a man be justified in turning his brother over to the law of the land in collecting debts, ^and^ to avoid them being outlawed. Your views on these matters will be greatly appreciated. With kindest regards Your Brother Orson Smith


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Feb 15, 1894