Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1894

Journal Entry

February 21, 1894 ~ Wednesday

21 I spent the day in the office attending to an appeal from Brigham City


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Letter from Elijah Walker Clayton, 21 February 1894
West Weber Utah. From Elijah W. Clayton To President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your favour of the 15th inst notifying me of my call and appointment as a missionary to Great Brittian, received. In reply would say, I accept the mission and will fill it with honor, God being my helper. Will be at the "Historian's Office April 20th 1894 Your brother in the Gospel E. W. Clayton Robert McFarland Bisho[p] O.K. J. F. S.
Letter from Frederick Augustus Huish, 21 February 1894
Aleppo, Turkey Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I write you in relation to a matter that is the cause of much trouble to us here in this branch of the church. Dispensing with preliminaries and to be brief I will say that we have an Elder here by the name of Geo. A. Vizerian who is giving us much trouble as follows— In the latter part of Dec. last, while residing at Aintab in the performance of my mis- sionary labors I recieved a letter signed by all of the Saints except about three, asking me to come here (Aleppo) immediately as there was trouble existing in the church. On my arrival here I found them to be in a sad condition. There was considerable enmity between Elder Vizerian on the one hand and the two Priests and the Saints on the other. Things had been going from bad to worse until a short time previous to my coming, when the Elder, (Vizerian would come to meeting on Sunday, administer the Sacrament and the Saints refusing to partake of it, he would say they were all damned and call them ap- ostates etc. and dismiss the services and go away. I did not think it wisdom to enter into a judicial investigation of the matters for fear of iritating or widening the gap between them, so I appointed a meeting and after reminding them that we all had our faults and imperfections succeeded in having them all ask
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Feb 21, 1894