Day in the Life

Apr 12, 1894

Journal Entry

April 12, 1894 ~ Thursday

April 12.
W Woodruff signed a $50000.0 dollar Note with W S Mccormic
took up $15000 dollar Note with Mr Duly which makes
the Last we owe him. The Presidency Met & heard
read the Discourse of W. Woodruff & made such corr-
ections as was necessary before Publications
13We met with the Board of the Ogden Power Company and done
a good Deal of Business


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Letter from John Blackham Jr., 12 April 1894

Moroni Pres Wilford Woodruff Dea Bro I have have just received you letter dated January 19th. I have just come home from a castle vally whare I have been herding sheep for about 5 months. I shud have answered sooner if I had been home I will say my circomstances is so that I cannot ^not go^ at presant, I am in debet I have a large family with no help I have been all winter herding so I cud get money to pay my debets I am a poor man and have to make my living by my days work I have no money and in debet. I would be glag to go if I culd go hoping my excuse is accepable you Bro John Blackham Jr I move that he be honorably excused. J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 12 April 1894

[end of sideways text] 376 West 4th N. Salt Lake City, April 12, [18]94. President Wilford Woodruff. City. Dear Brother: Respecting Elder Newman of Ogden I will say: We have all the Elders we need at present. Elders in our field do not do much from June to September, it being so hot and sickly. If Elder Newman leaves here May 15th he will be unnecessarily exposed and be of no practical good to the mission. We needed one to make our pairs complete so Elder J. C. Lyon ac- cording to his request, will leave here on the 21st. It is very trying on our boys to be iniciated into that climate in the spring and almost invariably they get sick. However I can make use of him if you deem it proper for Elder Newman to go in May. He will report himself at Sulphur Springs Chickasau Nation Ind Ty. taking rail to Davis on the Santa Fee, RR.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $3 girl $3, 6250 lb of Hay 25.50 31 50

Letter from J. M. Clute, 12 April 1894

Dear Sir I have a Five dollar coin the issue of which was called in consequently the coin must be rare. I will sell it for $20. Enclosed please find a discription of it. If you want it, send the address and I will send it by Express Your truly J. M. Clute The coin is perfect


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Apr 12, 1894