Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1894

Journal Entry

April 21, 1894 ~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at home Assisted planting potatoes Not wise

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Letter from Abraham Hoagland Cannon, 21 April 1894
Salt Lake City, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother:— Enclosed please find a copy of a letter which was addressed to father and which I found in his mail. I sent him the original and send you the enclosed copy as I thought you would desire to receive the information. I also send you a letter of Elder Ernest A. Law, which I suppose there is no necessity for sending to father at New York. Your Brother in the Gospel, A. H. Cannon.
Letter from Charles Victor Melanchthon Hauser, 21 April 1894
Birmingham, Ala. DISPATCH PRINT, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. To President Wilford Woodruff, Pres. of the Church of J. C. of L.D.S. LSalt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro, Through you I cordialy invite all exconfederates of Zion, to the coming reunion. It will be the greatest gathering of a people who for 4 years gallently fought for constitutionaly liberty, that has taken place since the war. The signes of the times are ominous. Joseph's prophecies are all rappidly being fullfilled. Pres. Henry J. Maiben, is now at home in Provo, & I do not know where bro, A. S. Campbell, is. But my house is a home for any of our Elders at any time. I duly recived your acknoledgement thro, your Secretary Bro. Gibbs, of the flower cuttings. Hope to be able to re-gather to Zion, this year. Your Bro, in the Everlasting Gospel. C. M. Hauser, 1720, 4th Ave, Birmingham Member of United order of ex Confederate vetrans. Ala.


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Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Apr 21, 1894