Day in the Life

Jun 5, 1894

Journal Entry

June 05, 1894 ~ Tuesday

5 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote David P Woodruff a letter to day
Cannon & Grant Board Met at the office to day


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
227 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
274 mentions


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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 5 June 1894

SALT LAKE CITY, To the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear Brethren I am told that a short time ago President Woodruff said that "when the Temple was dedicated the key was turned in the lock to let loose the judgments of God upon the nations." Should these judgments, as they now portend, take the line of interfering with manufacturers and cutting off transportation, three to six months would see this people barefoot or wearing wooden shoes. With this warning & revelation before them, would it not be undignified for this people to be scrambing around to find something to cover their feet, or clanking about in sabȏts, when it is possible to provide against it? The appointment of a committee to take this matter under advisement, study it, & report to you need not cost the Church any money; the advisability of such a movement is respectfully submitted. Supposing the judgments do not reach us, is it not ^the^ more dignified position to be ready? If what was said last October Conference of the Sugar industry be correct "This is the true policy; It is the true way to build up Zion," is it not also correct of the Leather & Shoe industry? This subject needs agitation more than money; because it can be handled in a number of places with a small capital in each. Respectfully & sincerely your brother Arthur Stayner

Letter from Samuel Amos Woolley, 5 June 1894

Salt Lake City Prest Wilford Woodruff and Counsilors, Geo Q. Cannon & Jos F. Smith Dear Brethern During the summer of 1892, I built a little house. We moved into in Oct of that year. We have not had it dedicated yet, which we wish to have done. We thought of next week; if it would be convenient for you to attend, with your wives. Say either Wednesday Thursday, or Friday, 13th 14th or 15th [18]94 We thought of inviting a few friends, fbut wish to arrange the date with you first. We would like to have dinner at 2 ock P.M. if that hour will be agreeable to you, For an early reply we will be obliged. Very respectfully your Bro in the gospel of Jesus Christ. S. A. Woolley

Letter from David Fisk Stout, 5 June 1894

President Wilford Woodruff or First Presidency Box B. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brothren: According to instructions from you that I should take steps to ascertain soon as possible how many El- ders will be wanted this fall I have written to all the fields or obtained word through the Conferences Presidents. Unless new oppenings are made ten (10) Elders will be sufficient to carry on the work after all are released whose terms of two years will expire this fall. This in case the three (3) Elders asked for last month are sent soon. If they do not come till next fall thirteen (13) will be wanted in all They should be ready to start about Sept. 20th or as we have appointed the Iowa Con- ference to be held in Council Bluffs on Sat. Sept. 24th & 25, would like to have them present at that time. Praying God to bless His Ser- vants upon whom rests the keys of the Kingdom I remain Your Bro. D. F. Stout my address for a week or so is Decatur Burt Co. Nebraska

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 5 June 1894

Owen to Father No 25 1/2 Prest. W. Woodruff Dearest Father: Hade the pleasure of speaking to an old Catholic Gentleman yesterday for about two hours. He seemed a real nice old Gentleman and was very much interested. I have many such priv- ilidge and feel sure the seed which I am able to sow will do some good. One of our Missionaries was speaking to a Catholic and after he had proved to him that coming forth of the book of Mormon was predicted by ancient Prophets; he seemed quite fully convinced: when he said; Well, Why in the world don't the Pope in Rome know that. Said he: when that is true he ought to know it.

Letter from Andrew Jenson, 5 June 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. The enclosed letter signed by Charles M. Jeppson, A. C. Thomsen and Mads Nielsenof Pleasant Grove, Utah Co., was handed me this morning by Elder George Reynolds for answer. By way of explanation I will say that I paid the means referred to strictly according to the written instructions of the late Thomas Andersen, and happily I am still in possession of the original documents authorizing ^me^ to do as I did. The late Thomas Andersen never as much as intimated that I should pay any or all of it to the Pleasant Grove ^ward^: I was to pay it to the Trustee-in-Trust of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be used by him according to his judgment for the benefit of the Church. If he should decide to use part of it for the benefit of the Pleasant Grove first


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Jun 5, 1894