Day in the Life

Jun 11, 1894

Journal Entry

June 11, 1894 ~ Monday

11 Sister Stephen called. Her Husband died on Samoa
with company she had a child on arival home


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9 mentions


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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 11 June 1894
SALT LAKE CITY, Presidency of the Church; Dear Brethren: I pray you pardon me my intrusion in again writing you; I offer as palliation my exceeding desire to see this people become self sustaining. If you will permit me to meet with any one or more persons in whom you have confidence, I can convince them of the following essential points: first — that the Canaigre root is ao competent tanning agent; second — the possibility of its cultivation in these northern valleys' where it would be commercially accessible for us; third — that it will be a very profitable crop to the farmers; fourth — that it will furnish employment to many hundreds of persons at home instead of those whom we are now employing and paying thousands of miles away; — fifth — that this can be accomplished without the centralization of a large amount of capital at any one point. I am sure that when such report is made to you, the inauguration of this industry will commend itself to you as the very highest order of political and domestic economy. And, if you should see fit so to do, a circular letter from you to the President of each Stake would at once place this important matter of footwear in the hands of the people, & tend to forestall the grasping of these advantages by foreign parties, who, under the influence of realestate men, would doubtless prefer to immigrate employe's who would settle on their lands rather than employ those who were already provided with homes. Respectfully submitted Your brother Arthur Stayner
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cash from {shorthand} $1250, T $30 1280 Carried to Page 50 1389 20


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Jun 11, 1894