Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1894

Journal Entry

June 14, 1894 ~ Thursday

14 I went to the office in the forenoon I met in the
Temple in the Afternoon The subject of sun light
in our Library instead of Gass light was discussed


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Letter from Andrew Jackson Rynearson, 14 June 1894
Woodland Bro Wilford Woodruff Dear friend i receved your kinde note of the 8th given mee the privelige of goinge on a mission for whtch i am well pleased i have hade a desire for som time to bare my testimoney of the gosple to my folks in ohio indeanany and illinois or in other partes of the united States i am vary short of meanes but never minde that i would like one mounth longer time so i could sell some of my prduse to healpe pay my expences to my feald of labor your Brother in the gosple A. J. Rynearson over
Letter from Joseph Moroni Green, 14 June 1894
President Woodruff. Dear Brother, In answer to yours of the eightth, I will state my feelings in regard to baeing called to labore in the mission ary field. I can truly say that I am thankfull I am counted worthy to be called to take part in this gr^e^at work to help to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel. I will arriange my affairs to be ready at the time appointed. Your brother in the gospel. Joseph Moroni Green All right. J F. S.
Letter from Nannie C. Davenport, 14 June 1894
[sideways text] trusting children in all things Yours sincere- ly in Christ [end of sideways text] Nannie C. Davenport Cisney, Muhlenberg ^Co.^ Ky. Cisney Ky. 6/14/[18]94. President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake Cty., Utah. Dear brother in Christ, it is again that I intrude for a few minutes your busy moments; but do hope you will bear with me in pa- tience I am real anxious to hear from Zion & to hear how all are getting along in that part of the country I will en- clonse some stamps. Will you please to send me the whole proceedings of the Conferen- ce that was held last April & any other documents or papers of later date that will be a help


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Jun 14, 1894