Day in the Life

Jun 16, 1894

Journal Entry

June 16, 1894 ~ Saturday

16 I spent the day at home reading & choreing

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Letter from Lewis Warren Shurtliff and Joseph Stanford, 16 June 1894
Ogden City Utah, To President Woodruff and the members of the church board of education, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Dear Bretheren, We your bretheren in the interest of Church Schools beg most respectfully to represent, that, for several years our experience has unmistakeably demonstrated the fact that it is impossible to maintain our academy, to pay the faculty and meet incidental expenses, from the proceeds of tuition charges. As a board we have no other prospect but that of being compelled to close the doors of the Weber Stake Academy the coming year unless we receive a promise or guarrantee of financial assistance We appreciate the position of the church board of education in these times of general financial depression and under such circum- stances dislike very much to ask fo aid towards the pay- ment of teachers, but necessity compels us to do so. The attendance of pupils the first three terms of the past school year was much larger than in any previous year and we are more than ever confirmed in our impressions that such an institution of learning for the youth of our church in Ogden City and Weber County has become a necessity and a failure to further conduct it would be regarded as ^a^ calamity by a large number of the Saints throughout this Stake of Zion. The local author-
Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 16 June 1894
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: Have just returned from a tramp through a string of Villages where I have been tramping at the rate of twelve hours a day; distributing T "tracts" and trying to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have had a fine journey and I hope some of the seed sown will grow. A[s] I came to my room among my other letters one from Van with a Draft inclosed for 60 Mks. I hope he or any of you will not send any more money in this way as I loose 5% on it. The best way is to send by common letter & if a large ammount send by registered letter. Have always received what has been sent me by letter. When you send money put in a Prests. Office or better still a Zions Savings Bank envelope and if the address is all right there is no reason to believe it will be lost. Van asked me if I had any objection to he & Asahel taking Max to go on fishing expeditions. You can answer the question for me, in this way: Bro. Wilcken has the horse in charge and he will not want to keep him for me if other people bother with him. He is in his charge and I have no say in the matter. If Bro Wilcken can not sell him to some one that will be good to him I would much rather he would beep him; for me for I know he will not abuse him. It is true he is nothing but an Animal but Pa he has been a faithful one to me & I hope who ever has him


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Jun 16, 1894