Day in the Life

Jul 12, 1894

Journal Entry

July 12, 1894 ~ Thursday

12 Sent Letter to Forest & Stream with $5.
Great Earthquake in Constantinople


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Letter from William Budge, 12 July 1894
Paris Idaho President W. Woodruff Dear Brother Conversing with President G. C. Parkinson on Idaho affairs in Logan on Monday last I learned for the first time that Apostle F. M. Lyman did a short time since counsel the Brethren in Malad to withhold their support from my son Alfred Budge who is a candidate for District Attorney for the District comprising what is called the Mormon Counties. It is not known to me that there is any objection to him on the part of Bro. Lyman except what may be infered form general counsel given in relation to leading Mormons pushing for prominent Offices. Alfred is not recognized as a leading Mormon although ihe is connected with the Y. M. M. I. A. and the office relates to what may be called our own counties. I had not thought of Alfred runing for Offfice, and did not sug- -gest it, neither have I helped him, simply because he was my son. No son of mine ever held Office, but he was proposed and sustained by both Mormons and Non-Mormons, without opposition that I have heard of. Leading Men in all the Counties of the District have been working for him, among them some prominent outsiders. It is very doubtful if any man will run against him, I have not heard of any. Bro. Lymans counsel is likely however to greatly affect his prospects, and interfere with the general arrangements of the Lea- ders of the Republican Party in this District as the time is limit- ted. The position I have taken in regaerd to offices has been strictly conservative, and well known, and to this effect, that the party Leaders and People make freely their selections. That I have no objection or protest to make if the candidates are qualified, honorable, and likely to work in the interest of the People.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
girl $3 (19) girl $3 15 85
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Forest & Stream $5 Stamp 24 cts 5 24


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Jul 12, 1894