Day in the Life

Jul 19, 1894

Journal Entry

July 19, 1894 ~ Thursday

19. I was unwell this morning but am at my Desk
I went to the Temple & had prayers there was 9 of us
at the Alter Mrs Woodruff was quite unwell this morning


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions


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Letter from Matthew White, 19 July 1894
Salt Lake City President W Woodruff. My dear Sir, I would most respectfully request that you and President Cannon and Prest Smith accompany me on Tuesday the 24th inst to Wageners Park at the mouth of Emigration Canyon. I would furnish transportation and agree to return you to your office in the City within two (2) hours from the time of starting and Mr President I do hope you will grant me this favor Please do go up and see the old! old! Canyon again Yours Truly Matthew White


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Jul 19, 1894