Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1894

Journal Entry

July 26, 1894 ~ Thursday

26. Herd B Youngs report upon Mexican Mission


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Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
589 mentions


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Letter from Daniel Stevens, 26 July 1894

Fillmore . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, I am in receipt of a letter of recent date from the Missionary Committee of the Apostles referring to the call made of me to go on a mission. They state that the call is regular and authorized. This being the case it is satisfactory with me. They also say that the only question now is my willingness ability and faith to go. It may be seen ^by^ my first letter that I am

Letter from Frederick J. Christiansen, 26 July 1894

Mayfield President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in answer to your letter of June 8th last notifiying me that I have been selected for a mission to the Northern States also appointing September 19th ^18th^ as the day to meet at Historians office to be set apart I will say that appreciate the honor and will except the mission and appear at the time and place appointed Frederick J Christiansen Parley Christiansen Bp Good. J. F. S.

Letter from George Andrew Whitlock, 26 July 1894

Mayfield Presidint Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I received your favor of June 8th calling me to take a Mission to the Northern States. In reply will say I feal to accept of the call, and will thare at the apointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel George A Whitlock Parley Christiansen Bp Good. J. F. S.

Letter from William Jasper Kerr, 26 July 1894

Logan, Utah, . Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: The Circular letters you had printed were received this morning. I am very much pleased with them and desire to express my appreciation of your prompt and favorable consider- ation of the M.I.A. course offered by the College. nIn the Circular letter I notice that the Oneida, Malad^,^ and Casia Stakes are not mentioned; and since we are desirous of offering to the Associations of these stakes the same privileges as ttoh those named in the Circular^,^ I^i^s it your desire to omit them from the Stakes included in the College District^,^ or was it an oversight and may we include them in our communications to the officers.^?^ Your Brother in the Gospel, W. J. Kerr.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3, 2 pigs $5 Emma $10 B H 3 21


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Jul 26, 1894