Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1894

Journal Entry

July 28, 1894 ~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home choring

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Letter from John H. Rosengreen, 20 July 1894
Letter from Charles Oscar Dunn and Orson Smith, 28 July 1894
College Ward . Pres Wilford Woodruff: President of the Church of Gesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Dear Brother: Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: The College Ward of Cache Stake of Zion, are very much in need of a Suitable and adequet placemeeting house for the use of its members. At present it has none, using the District School house, for Sabath Schools, and place of worship. The School house is altogether inadiquet for the accomadation of the members of the Ward, both as to size and seating capasity. The people are very anxeous to build a Suitable place of worship for themselfs, the cost of which we estimate will be at least $3000.00 On account of the Stringency, and low price of farm products, in conciquence of the depressed con- dition of things, and the hardships with


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Jul 28, 1894