Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1894

Journal Entry

August 16, 1894 ~ Thursday

16 A coffin John Morgan
Died Aug 14, at 5:30
Aged 52 years & 5 days
I met with Clawson
in the Morning I went
home & then to G Q Cannon
who was sick confined
to his bed with vertego I met with some of the Twelve
at the Temple then went home {I had a bad night. Could not sleep.}


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2266 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912


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Letter from Henry Smith Tanner, 16 August 1894
San Francisco, Cal. . To 1st Presidency Deat Brethren: I arrived in San Francisco yesterday noon and found the Brethren glad to see me. Had most anything but a pleasant trip—it was so very warm and dirty. It will take something superior to man's power to reach this people, apparently religion is all a dream to them. I will be glad to recieve any instuctions you feel like I need, but chances here look quite slim to me—in some repects; but can tell better when I investigate more. The Brethren join me in love to you and in praying the Lord to continue to bless you. Your Brother in the Gospel H. S. Tanner.
Letter from F. P. Sweet, 16 August 1894
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro, while in the city in July, I talked with Bro A. H. Cannon about my financial matters in the talk his advice seemed to be that I should get on a farm with my family. Sinece that I have traveled a long way in search of a place and the most favorable location that I have found is at Fruita, Mesa Co Colorado. My brother in law and myself have made arrangements whereby we think we can secure a farm. several other brethen that have no farms and others that are dissatisfied with their present location requested us to ascertain what chances there was for securing lands in our travels. The place we have decided to locate in seems to us a peculiarly favored locality in many respects particularly in the good quality of the land, fine climate, cheap fuel, very good markets, Rail Road facilities and an abundance of good water. One great drawback that we find is an entire absence of Latter dDay Saints (except of the Josephite persuasion). Most of the people here are from the East
Letter from George Teasdale, Alexander Findlay Macdonald, and Henry Eyring, 16 August 1894
Pres't Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Dear Brethren, Knowing that you desire the progress and success of the Mexican Mission, we beg to state to you the fact that we are very much in need of a good school-teacher and some one qualified to study mexican law and practice as a lawyer in behalf of our colonies. We would not trouble you with this, were it not that it is difficult to get any one to volunteer to come to Mexico, and a call from you will be necessary to fill those two positions. We recommend Bro Horace Cummings of Salt Lake City to the position of teacher of the Juarez academy, firstly because Bro D E Harris, our present teacher desires to be released, and secondly because Bro Cummings has a good know-


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Aug 16, 1894