Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1894

Journal Entry

August 27, 1894 ~ Monday

27. I spent the day in the office Mr & Mrs J Ellen
& Mrs senator Warren visited us at the
office to day Mrs Foster seems a vary Able woman
we had several Meetings during the day


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Letter from Henry Smith Tanner, 27 August 1894

Sanfrancisco, Cal. . The First Presidency Dear Brethren: T. H. Goodman General passenger agent of the S.P. Rail Road company, requires you to send them credentials to the effect, that I am your agent or representative and will perform such business as necessary for you here— in case of ^assisting in^ getting tickets for our Missionaries from this point. The agent wants something of this kind to keep in his office for reference. I hope you have received my letter stating that we want two more Missionaries here as soon as we can get them. We had several strangers at our meeting yesterday and last night. Brother Nethercott arrived allright and is feeling well. Your Brother in the Gospel H. S. Tanner.

Letter from Gervacious W. Rogers, 27 August 1894

Wilford Woodruff, dear brother I received My Call as Missionary to Southern States which I was glad to receive and will say I will go, and respond to the call and do the best I can and all I can My Meanes will be scarce but I will say I will go for where there is a will there is a way Your Brother in the Golspell Gervacious. W. Rogers of Manassa, Colo. Bro. Rogers is away from home at present but will be ready at the appointed time John C. Dalton Bp. OK. J. F. S.

Letter from Henry Lewis Horne, 27 August 1894

Mesa President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In anseer to your favor of Aug 20 I can say I feel well & if nothing happens more than I know of at present will be thare at time apointed your Brother in the Gospel H. L. Horne BP James M. Horne All right. J. F. S.

Letter from James Robert Welker, 27 August 1894

Safford Arizona President Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother In answer to your letter of Aug 20th Will say that I will accept the Calling and will be in San Francisco on the day stated in you letter. If nothing more happens than I know of at present Could you please inform me how much it will cost from San Francisco to Samoa. Could we get half rates on the Railroad if so please notify me how we could obtain it Very Respt Yours your Brother in the Gospel J R Welker John Welker Bp O.K. Please give him, the information he desires. J. F. S.

Letter from Johannes Stettler Stucki, 27 August 1894

Santa Clara . President Woodruff and Counsillers Dear Brothern I haveing bin called to take a mission to Europ if sircumstances ^were^ such that I could, but I must say that my sircumstances are not quite as favorable for tkakeing a mission at present as they mite be, so I will let you know of my circumstances as they are. I have a family of thirteen to profide for, I have one boy 16 years of age, who thoe small begins to be quite a help to me, I the rest of my boys (5) are under 6 years of age, so it has bin about all I could do during these hard times to profide for my family and keep out of dept. I have also started to build a house for one part of my family. I hav the walls up and roof on but no room enclosed, this part of my family would like for me to prepare

Letter from William Frederick Tanner, 27 August 1894

Payson Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. Answering your letter of asking as to my willingness to go on a mission to Tahiti. I am compelled to answer that owing to these hard times, I am unable to sell all I own for enough to pay the expense of such mission. I would be willing to go had I the means. Should I go I would have to be assisted in about all the Expenses. Yours Respectfully, W. Fred Tanner

Letter from John Forest Oleson, 27 August 1894

Provo Pres. Wilford Wodruff. I received my call on Aug, 22 but through a slight mistake did not answer it untill the present date. I feel honord by the call and feel it my duty to accept the same, I will do the best I can at school and I know if I do that and ask the lord to help me to do my duty I shall succeed in accomplishing the work required of me. Your Brother John F. Oleson Hooper Utah All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Charles McMillan Heyborne, 27 August 1894

Cedar First Presidency Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Salt Lake City Dear Brethren In accordance with your request we submit the three following names of brethren to take the Y M M I coure at Provo Chas Wilkinson Cedar Ward James Ollerton and Supt Stake Joel J. Roundy Kannarra Yours in the Gospel Chas Heyborne Supt. per J D Rodes Sec. see over.

Letter from William George Brough, John H. Dickson, and Charles Arthur Welch, 27 August 1894

Morgan City, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Gen. Supt. Y.M.M.IA. Dear Brother, Yours of Aug. 22, has received due consideration. We send the following names, which have been approved by the Prest. of the Stake, to take the M. I. course at Provo. + W. Edward Criddle — Littleton + Frank Robison Morgan City + John R. Porter Porterville Morgan County. In regard to one of the Stake Officers, Prest. Fry advis- ed that we send our circumstances and leave the se matter to you. Prest. W. G. Brough is in the brick business and under obligatin to hired men until October 1st. Financial matters are the barriers. 1st Asst. John H. Dickson has 2000 sheep in shares, which are to be delivered in October. He has also a homestead on which he must build this fall in order to hold the land. The house is for his family to occupy. 2nd Asst. Charles A. Welch is the County Clerk

Letter from John D. Jones, 27 August 1894

Idaho President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother I desire to enlist your sympathy and assistance in a matter that is of considerable empeortance to us in this wourd, we have a meeting house in course of construction which was comenced a good many years ago But was left at the square for tha lack of means, since then we have put on the rooff the walls are of sand stone and firmly Built, dimension are 28+40 feet we need it sadly to hold us our meetings in, we now meet [in xe] district school house sume people not of our faith complain of this, can you give us sume financial assistance to complete the Building, we think it will take something over three hundred dollars sume of this we can rice ourselves if you see fit and are able to help us, we will Be


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Aug 27, 1894