Day in the Life

Oct 3, 1894

Journal Entry

October 03, 1894 ~ Wednesday

3 I am still quite poorly I went to the office & wrote Letters
to Sarah at Provo & & Sarah D.


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
172 mentions


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Letter from Daniel Thomas Wood, 3 October 1894
Auburn, . Uinta Co. Wyoming. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dear Brother Felling very interested in Sunday School Work, and in any Work connected with this Church, I accept the Call made of me and will make it my duty to be in Provo. at the appointed time. I hope to magnify this honored calling and with the assistance of God will do the best I can. I remain Your Brother in The Gospel and a defender of Truth Daniel T. Wood.
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 3 October 1894
Provo, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In compliance with the regulation I most respect- fully submit herewith a short synopsis of the sum- mary statistical report of our churchschools for the academic year 1893–1894. Distribution of Schools. In Utah 18; in Idaho 4; in Arizona 3; in Mexico 2; Total 27. Grades of Schools. Colleges 3; Stake Academies 19; Seminaries 5; Total 27. Standing of Teachers. By Diplomas 8; by Certificates 29; by Licenses 80; Total 117. RoEngagements of Teachers. Principals 27; Regular Teachers 65; Specialists 25; Total 117. Sex of Students. Males 2080; Females 1750; Total 3830. Grades of Students. Primary Dept. 814; Preparatory 783; Intermediate 11579; Academic 241; Normal 744; Commercial 89; Total 3830. Dr. Karl G. Maeser Gen. Supt. Church Schools.


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Oct 3, 1894