Day in the Life

Oct 6, 1894

Journal Entry

October 06, 1894 ~ Saturday

Oct 6. I went to the fair grounds in the morning looked at the
stock, Agricultural products, fruit & the great
variety gathered at the fair & sheep swine & fowl
and it was counted the best fair Ever gathered in
Utah I went to the conference in the Afternoon
^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 letters from President Lund & L. W. Snow
Golden Kimball prayed in the Afternoon, Wm W.
Taylor spoke 32 M, W W Merrill spok 30 M
Afternoon Abram Cannon spoke 30 M.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
153 mentions
Lund, Anthon Henrik
15 May 1844 - 2 Mar 1921
127 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
164 mentions


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Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 6 October 1894
Dearest Father and Mother: Pa's kind letter of Sept. 17th & one from Blanche were received yesterday. Will take your advise about writing only when it is neccessary. Hereafter I will only have a chance to write one day in the week; so if you don't hear from me very often do not be at all alar- med. After leaving Frankfurt I went to Leipzig & there had the pleasure of spending two days with dear Bro. J. W. Weiler & Wm Mc Ewan. We had a fine visit & are all feeling fine & testifying that we have [about] the best days of our lives since enter- ing the field as missionaries. Well here I am in the fine old city of Dresden on the Elba about the most noted of Germanys old Cities. As far our cause here I am sorry to say that we have one of the poorest Branches in the mission; there being only about 11 members & several of those are only about half converted & only about one quarter of them that we can call good members. This City has been quite thoroughly Tracted by Elder Schönfeld who will soon return home. Prest. Nägle will visit us about the 11th of Nov. & I have some hopes he will send one of us to Sorau as we are here to work for the cause of Christ & it matters but little to me who is my Companion or if I have one at all or not.
Letter from C. H. Mallory, 6 October 1894
Cokeville Mr. Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir I have been down to Coalville and seen bro. Cluff in regard to our Coal Miner wagan my way to the City but the storm set me back so that gave it up and left the busness with Bro. Cluff which he will explain when he gets thare now I am in need of some money to prepare for winter I will have to keep hay and other things and I am also in debt some which I would like to setle as soon as posable have if you can make it convint for to send me $500. have hundred dollers it will be a grate favor to me as I need it very bad justst now. will give security on Mines
Letter from Walter S. Lamoreaux, 6 October 1894
Whitney, Oneida Co, Idaho, Pres't Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Business dificulties will prevent me from leaving for my mission to Great Britton on the 13th inst. and I ask if their will be any others who will leave in a few weeks. I hope to have all things aranged by the first of Nov. kindly let me know if I may be excused till I can adjust unsetteled matters and let me know if any others will be leaving for Europe about that time, &and advise me about time to start & what times to travel Etc. I remain devoutly an Elder and your Brother W S Lamoreaux Logan Utah. Let the time be extended, and information asked for given. J. F. S.


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Oct 6, 1894