Day in the Life

Oct 11, 1894

Journal Entry

October 11, 1894 ~ Thursday

11 I Met with the Board of the Utah Compan[y] & Col Trumbo
in the forenoon looking at Maps & talking upon the con-
templated railway in the Afternoon I met with the
Apostles at the Temple we had prayers


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Letter from Heber Robinson to the First Presidency, 11 October 1894

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear brethern. Yours of Sept. 15th received and in reply say, that I shall endeaver to be in Provo on the date named. Your brother in the Gospel. Heber C. Robinson Lake Town

Letter from James T. White & Company Publishers, 11 October 1894

NEW YORK . 189 Mr. Wilford Woodruff, xSalt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: We herewith enclose you a proof of the plate of your por- trait as it will appear in the National Cyclopedia of America Biogra- phy. We trust it will prove satisfactory to you. Yours truly, James T. White & Co.

Letter from Edward J. Pay, 11 October 1898

Wilford Woodruff Dear President Sir I was called to go to new zealand on a mission but was not Prepaired to go and I ask For one yeares time and now I am not Prepaired to go. I halve been un able to get work and I halve nothing to Disspoze of but my home and halve Tried but halve been unable to Sell it yet and For The Lack of meanses I still ask For more Time and hope that sum Day will be able to go For I am willing but not able at Preasent to go but Remain

Letter from Joseph Hodges, 11 October 1894

Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F. Smith Dear Brethern: Your esteemed favor of Sep 15th announcing my call to attend the Brigham Young Academy of Provo in behalf of the Sabbath Schools, was duly received. For some time it seemed almost impossible for me to obey the call, because I have charge of my Fathers flour Mill and we did not see how he could get along without me; hence the delay in answering your letter I am happy to ^say^ that all obstacles have been overcome


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Oct 11, 1894