Day in the Life

Oct 10, 1894

Journal Entry

October 10, 1894 ~ Wednesday

10 We met at the office Charles W Green
Chicago interocean we had a good Deal of company


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Letter from George W. Olney, 10 October 1894
New York, . Wilford Woodruff, First President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: Some few years ago, you furnished me for publication in the WORLD ALMANAC the enclosed statement of the doctrines of the "Church of Latter Day Saints," and of its method of organization. We would like to reprint this in our issue of 1895, but before doing so, submit it to you for such revision as you may think it needs. This statement has always been received with interest by the readers of the ALMANAC?, and it has, no doubt, in view of the large circulation of the ALMANAC, done much to enlighten and liberalize the views of many people, regarding the tenets and pur- poses of your faith. I would be glad to hear from you at your early conven- ience. ^as the almanac will be put to press early this year^ Respectfully yours, Geo. W. Olney EDITOR OF THE WORLD ALMANAC. ^Please address^ P. O. Box 2297, New York.
Letter from Hyrum Johnson, 10 October 1894
Beaver. Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, After waiting this long and trying every possible ^way^ to raise the necessary money for the mission assigned me, I am sorry to state that my efforts thus far have been in vain. If I am able to raise the money with in any reasonable length of time, shall I let you know or shall I await another call? That is the only obsticle that hinders me from going, as I am more than anxious to perform my duty. Your Bro, Hyrum Johnson See over.


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Oct 10, 1894