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Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1894

Journal Entry

October 16, 1894 ~ Tuesday

16 I had several meetings with H. B. Clawson concerning
some of our Affairs in Calafornia we had Meetings
with several individuals among the rest Black Jane
wanted to know if I would not let her have her
Endowments in the Temple this I could not do
as it was against the Law of God As Cain killed
Abel All the seed of Cain would have to wait for
redemption untill all the seed that Abell would
have have tha had that may come through
other men can be redeemed I attended a Meeting
in the Evening at Brothe Wm B Dougall's whare
speeches were made by several of the sisters concerning
the Evils that were creeping into the society of the
young people of Utah speeches was made upon the
subject by the Presidency of the Church {The reports were painful.}


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26 mentions
Scriptural Figure
24 mentions
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Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
125 mentions
12 mentions


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Discourse 1894-10-16
Prest. Woodruff said whatever leads to good is of God, and if good, is to come from thsis direction all is good. Satin [Satan] is on the alert and the practices spoken of are laying the foundation for evil to future generations. The parents do not realize this is of importance to children. If this lady is gifted and can instruct mothers employ her. Was will- ing to add his influence to anything that would put mothers and children on their guard.


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Oct 16, 1894