Day in the Life

Oct 21, 1894

Journal Entry

October 21, 1894 ~ Sunday

21. Sunday I spent the day at home resting & reading

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Letter from Canute Peter Hansen, 21 October 1894
Ephraim President Wilford Woodruf. Dear Brother. It is truly a great honor to me to be worthy to go as a missionary to the nations of the earth. I am willing to use my feble efforts for the advancement of the cause of truth and will endeavor to present myself on the 8th day of February, 1895. Thanking God that I am worthy to have my name presented to work in such a noble cause. Your Brother in the Gospel. C. P. Hanson C R Dorius Bishop. Ephraim South Ward All right. J. F. S.
Letter from Hyrum Howland Cook, 21 October 1894
Garden City Oct 21 1894 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake city Dear Brother I received your letter stateing that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Australaasia. In reply I will say I am willing to go and with the help of the Lord will make evry effort to get ready to go, the greatest obstacles in the way are to get money to pay my fare as money is so hard to ra^i^se in this part of the country but the Bishop and others say the way will open and I am willing to sell every thing I can to g accept my home which
Letter from Hyrum D. Jensen, 21 October 1894
Ogden City Oct 21, 1894 Mr Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bother yours of the 12 Inst asking me if I could be re^a^dy to take a mission to Scandiniva on the 9 of Febuary 1895 I will Say that I will be ready to Start on the day set for my departure god being my helper Your Brothe in the Gospl Hyrum D Jensen O. K. J. F. S.


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Oct 21, 1894