Day in the Life

Nov 3, 1894

Journal Entry

November 03, 1894 ~ Saturday

3rd I spent the day at home At work assisting to
lay a floor in a Barn

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Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 3 November 1894

Chattanooga, ^Logan^ Tenn. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Ut. Dear Brother: I arrived in Salt Lake on the 30th ult. on the 1:20 P.M. D.R.G. train with the remains of Elder Hyrum Carter, of whos death you were notified by telegram. The body was properly cared for, and turned over to friends at Ogden. J. G. Kimball and my- self left the city the following morning, and attended the funeral services held at Morgan City, begining at 12:00 o'clock, noon. The parents and friends of Elder Carter were satisfied with what had been done for their son.

Letter from Henry Harrison Harriman, 3 November 1894

Huntington President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother after so long a time not having been able to rais the means to take me to my feald of labor there has ben nor chance to sell my property to rais the money thare has not been any one to buy thare seams to be no market for grain & I do not see how I can posaibly raise it I thought that I ought to let you know the condition that I was in at the present time not havin- ng raised money to pay my taxes not wishing to backout of any thing that I am caled upon to do I am willing to go as soon as it is posab- le to rais the means

Letter from Bengt Peterson, 3 November 1894

Center Ward Wasatch Stake of Zion President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your Favour of oct. 30 to Elder Bengt Peterson in accepting Him as A Missionary to Scandinavia is at hand He not being to write ^good^ English desires Me to answer for Him He desires to say that He has made all preparations and is ready to go and will be at the Historians Office to be set apart on the day named in your circular He is not only willing but is Jubilant over the prospect of going I can Cheerfuly Indorse and reccomend Him as A good over

Letter from William Jones, 3 November 1894

Willard City Utah Elder Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 31 of October Just Recived In Regards to the call I will be on hand on the apointed Day if the Lord will permit Your Brother in the Gospel William Jones Thos Owen King Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 3 November 1894

P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. F. A. Hammond, San Juan Stake. Dear Brother: In your favor to President Woodruff of August 14th, you ask the following questions: First, "Has the Stake Presidency the right to accept a Bishop's release without the Ward voting on it?" We answer: Whenever such a case arises the Stake Presidency should submit it with all necessary particulars and details, to the First Presidency. Second: "Can the Presidency of the Stake suspend a Bishop from acting?" Not without the case is presented to the High Council and the consent of that body be obtained, or, in other words, the Stake Presidency and High Council, acting unitedly, can take this action. Third: "Can the High Council, with the Presidency of the Stake, try a Bishop for cause of any kind?" A Bishop may be thus tried for his fellowship as a member of the Church, but not as a Bishop, nor for his official actions in that calling. Fourth: "Is it proper and the right thing to do, to give recommends to the Temple to parties who the Bishop and Prsident deem entirely unworthy because an Apostle tells them to do it?" If such a case occurs the President should refer it in detail to the First Presi- dency, that they may judge the matter understandingly on its merits. No general rule will meet all cases where such a complication is likely to arise, though we incline to the opinion that such instances will be very few.

Letter from John William Hess, 3 November 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Gen'l Supt. Y. M. M. I. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: The following named brethren have been selected to take the M. I. A. course at Provo if it meets your approval. viz. Hyrum Pack of West Bountiful and John Ross of South Hooper. One of the Superintendency of this stake Elder Henry H. Blood has taken the course if you wish another to take it we suggest Supt. Jos. H. Wilcox. Very Truly your brethren, John W. Hess Prest D P. H. J. H. Wilcox. supt M I A all right. Call them J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl 3 weeks $9 $3 Cash $8 20


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Nov 3, 1894